School Name | Community | Phone Number | Fax Number |
Ansbach ES | Ansbach Community Schools | +49 (0)611-143-545-2152 | |
Ansbach MHS | Ansbach Community Schools | +49 (0)611-143-545-2158 | +49 (0)9802-1496 |
Garmisch EMS | Garmisch Community Schools | +49 (0)611-143-545-2167 | |
Grafenwoehr ES | Grafenwoehr Community Schools | +49 (0)611-143-545-2061 | |
Hohenfels ES | Hohenfels Community Schools | +49 (0)611-143-545-2182 | +49 (0)9472-8632 |
Hohenfels MHS | Hohenfels Community Schools | +49 (0)9641-70-545-2194 | +49 (0)9472-83-3161 |
Netzaberg ES | Grafenwoehr Community Schools | +49 (0)611-143-545-2077 |
Latest News
From Around DoDEA
Name | Position | Phone | |
Jennifer King | ISS | 6th-12th Grade ELA, SS, and Humanities | 314-545-2107 ext. 7498 DSN |
Holly Allen | Budget Officer | 324-483-6679 DSN | |
David Becher | ISS | Aspen | |
Meredith Bodkin | ISS | Pre-K – 5th Grade | 324-483-6679 DSN |
Deborah Brown | ISS | Pre-K – 5th Grade | |
Raymond Burnett | Resource Management | CSR Payroll Specialist | |
Holly DeYoung | Force Protection Officer | 324-483-7053 DSN | |
Gary Dyson | Transportation | District Transportation Supervisor | 0711-680-9337 Ext 2257 |
Desiree Faehr | Resource Management | CSR Payroll Specialist | |
Tiera Felton | Lead HR Specialist | ||
Michael Fischers | Safety Officer | ||
Teresa Frank | Resource Management | Property Book Officer | 324-483-6667 DSN |
Kendra Hahn | ISS | Pre-K – 5th Grade | 314- 545-2122 DSN |
David Johnson | Facilities Manager | Bavaria | |
Jones-Ferguson LaKeisha | ISS | Counseling | |
David Lee | Center for Instructional Leadership (CIL) | 314-545-1599 DSN | |
Michael Marcink | Budget Officer | ||
Mynda Massey-Volkovic | Center for Instructional Leadership (CIL) | 314-476-3405 DSN | |
Sierra Garduno Morgan | ISS | Pre-K – 5th Grade | 314- 476-3401 DSN |
Jeremy Mott | Transportation | Logistics/Transportation | 324-483-7094 DSN |
Ciprian Nicoara | Resource Management | Manpower | |
Meagan O’Brien | ISS | Pre-K | |
Michael Pezzullo | ISS | Special Education | |
Katrina Pieper | ISS | Special Education | |
Torrance Pullom | Logistics Manager | Contracts | |
Challice Rickard | ISS | Assessment and Accountability | |
David Sartin | IT Specialist | ||
Sherman Siegler | Facilities Manager | 324-483-7054 DSN | |
Jennifer Simmons | ISS | 6th-12th Grade ELA, SS, and Humanities | |
Lorena Sinkler | HR Specialist | LMER | |
Katherine Strosnider | ISS | 6th-12th Mathematics | 476 3404 DSN |
Elsie Teel | Supply | Supply Technician | |
Della Thomas | ISS | Pre-K – 5th Grade | |
Kevin Trebesh | ISS | 6th-12th Mathematics | |
Juliana Wish | HR Specialist | LMER Assistant | |
Fanny Zeyas | Budget Officer | 324-483-6678 DSN | |
Zachary Zilinski | ISS | Psychology |