DoDEA Europe East District operates 15 schools in Germany across 5 communities. There are nearly 900,000 military connected children of all ages worldwide, of which more than 5,000 are enrolled in DoDEA Europe East District schools and served by thousands of teachers and educational aides. All schools within DoDEA are fully accredited by U.S. accreditation agencies.

Find Your School

School Name Community Phone Number Fax Number
Ansbach ES Ansbach Community Schools +49 (0)611-143-545-2152
Ansbach MHS Ansbach Community Schools +49 (0)611-143-545-2158 +49 (0)9802-1496
Garmisch EMS Garmisch Community Schools +49 (0)611-143-545-2167
Grafenwoehr ES Grafenwoehr Community Schools +49 (0)611-143-545-2061
Hohenfels ES Hohenfels Community Schools +49 (0)611-143-545-2182 +49 (0)9472-8632
Hohenfels MHS Hohenfels Community Schools +49 (0)9641-70-545-2194 +49 (0)9472-83-3161
Netzaberg ES Grafenwoehr Community Schools +49 (0)611-143-545-2077


Name Position Phone
Jennifer King ISS 6th-12th Grade ELA, SS, and Humanities 314-545-2107 ext. 7498 DSN
Holly Allen Budget Officer 324-483-6679 DSN
David Becher ISS Aspen
Meredith Bodkin ISS Pre-K – 5th Grade 324-483-6679 DSN
Deborah Brown ISS Pre-K – 5th Grade
Raymond Burnett Resource Management CSR Payroll Specialist
Holly DeYoung Force Protection Officer 324-483-7053 DSN
Gary Dyson Transportation District Transportation Supervisor 0711-680-9337 Ext 2257
Desiree Faehr Resource Management CSR Payroll Specialist
Tiera Felton Lead HR Specialist
Michael Fischers Safety Officer
Teresa Frank Resource Management Property Book Officer 324-483-6667 DSN
Kendra Hahn ISS Pre-K – 5th Grade 314- 545-2122 DSN
David Johnson Facilities Manager Bavaria
Jones-Ferguson LaKeisha ISS Counseling
David Lee Center for Instructional Leadership (CIL) 314-545-1599 DSN
Michael Marcink Budget Officer
Mynda Massey-Volkovic Center for Instructional Leadership (CIL) 314-476-3405 DSN
Sierra Garduno Morgan ISS Pre-K – 5th Grade 314- 476-3401 DSN
Jeremy Mott Transportation Logistics/Transportation 324-483-7094 DSN
Ciprian Nicoara Resource Management Manpower
Meagan O’Brien ISS Pre-K
Michael Pezzullo ISS Special Education
Katrina Pieper ISS Special Education
Torrance Pullom Logistics Manager Contracts
Challice Rickard ISS Assessment and Accountability
David Sartin IT Specialist
Sherman Siegler Facilities Manager 324-483-7054 DSN
Jennifer Simmons ISS 6th-12th Grade ELA, SS, and Humanities
Lorena Sinkler HR Specialist LMER
Katherine Strosnider ISS 6th-12th Mathematics 476 3404 DSN
Elsie Teel Supply Supply Technician
Della Thomas ISS Pre-K – 5th Grade
Kevin Trebesh ISS 6th-12th Mathematics
Juliana Wish HR Specialist LMER Assistant
Fanny Zeyas Budget Officer 324-483-6678 DSN
Zachary Zilinski ISS Psychology
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