Preserving DoDEA's History

Preserving DoDEA's History

Throughout its 75 year history, the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) has undergone many changes. Each of its organizational entities, past and present, has a rich and proud history of service to military families. Every employee (past or present) and every student or alumnus is an integral part of DoDEA's history.

While DoDEA has had many names over the years and still has different names in our guiding legislation (DoDDS, DDESS), its school system today has in fact been a unified one since 1994 under one organization, DoDEA. To many of our graduates and former employees, we'll always be DSS, DoDDS or DDESS or one of our many other names used in the past.

It is important for us to honor the rich history and traditions of DoDEA's past and preserve the history of past names and accomplishments. It is equally important for us to move ahead as a unified organization that comprises one world-wide school system, one team, one mission that continues to deliver a quality education to military-connected children around the globe.

AOSHS Partnership

DoDEA has partnered with the American Overseas Schools Historical Society (AOSHS), a non-profit organization based in Wichita, Kansas, to collect, record, preserve, and exhibit historical school memorabilia.

The preservation of DoDEA’s history is a legacy for future generations. For the millions of Americans who were educated overseas and in DoD schools stateside since 1946, pieces of history could disappear forever – yearbooks, trophies, letter jackets, class pictures, time capsules, school flags and mascots. As schools close down, those artifacts and memorabilia go away too.

DoDEA’s partnership with AOSHS endeavors to keep the memories alive.


AOSHS Yearbook Initiative

Yearbooks and Memories

School yearbooks reflect the events and lives of students and adults involved with a school for a given school year.  They capture moments, memories, events, and faces that are frozen in time.  They help people associated with our schools to recall the DoDEA experiences that often had a lasting and profound impact on their lives.

AOSHS On-line Yearbook Project

The American Overseas Schools Historical Society (AOSHS), has a project underway to scan and digitize yearbooks for our schools, past and present.  It is a project that will help preserve and recall those memories for many years to come. 

AOSHS Online Yearbook Collection

AOSHS is working to catalog a complete collection of yearbooks from every school.  AOSHS will digitize your yearbook and will return your yearbook(s) with the utmost care in a timely manner.  DoDEA Administrative Instruction 4160.1, "Disposal of Department of Defense Dependents Schools Memorabilia," allows school personnel to ship the yearbook(s) (and other memorabilia) to AOSHS at government expense.

AOSHS Point of Contact for this project:

Mr. Doug Kelsey
American Overseas Schools Historical Society
704 W Douglas Ave
Wichita KS 67203 USA
Phone: 316-265-6837

DoDEA is proud to partner with AOSHS to provide searchable online yearbooks.  The efforts to collect, record, and preserve the unique history of educating American military-connected children will enhance public knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the contributions to military families made by DoDEA employees and their students.  The Yearbook Project will help us immensely in that regard, enabling the wider DODEA community to have virtual access to materials in the archives.

Donating Memorabilia

Do have treasures you’d like to share with current and former staff and students of DoDEA, DDESS, or DODDS?

Send the American Overseas Schools Historical Society (AOSHS) a box of your memorabilia and they will record, digitize, archive, and display them online and in the museum for the delight of past and future generations.

For reference, below is a list of items AOSHS accepts and doesn’t accept as donations.



The American Overseas School Historical Society is looking for donations of DoDEA school memorabilia to keep our history alive!


  • Artwork with location and date on it
  • Awards, class rings, diaries of school events, dissertations, and school journals (not vacation)
  • Letter jackets or other discernible clothing (cheerleading, mascots, band, etc.)
  • Magazines that feature student accomplishments; either military or host nation
  • News clippings with details of publication and date
  • Pennants
  • Photographs with identification of person(s), location and date
  • Presentations to visiting dignitaries
  • School records
  • Documented information about the mission of a School, District or Region
  • Trophies with specific details of school, event, year
  • Yearbooks
  • Videos or like of school functions and/or events


  • Items that are readily available elsewhere, such as commercially published magazines or textbooks
  • Broken artifacts, unreadable documents and other material that are too damaged to be of historical value
  • Personal diaries, videos or disks of holiday or summer vacations
  • Personnel documents that are disparaging to an individual/s or that contain any personally identifiable information
  • Souvenirs from foreign countries unless school or educationally related

Send your items to AOSHS at the following address:

American Overseas Schools Historical Society
704 W. Douglas Avenue
Wichita, KS 67203
Phone 316-265-6837

All donations must include a completed and signed Property Donations Form inside each box of items sent to AOSHS.

For further questions regarding property donations, please email the AOSHS office at or call 316-265-6837 to verify if the items/s you want to donate are appropriate for the archives.

Alumni Organizations

Note: If any information needs to be changed/added please send us an email. 

Name Contact Alternate Contact Region
A.T. Mahan High School Scott Gibson EU-West
AFCENT International School Ruth Kneale Angie Oakes Longbine EU-West
Alconbury High School Cheryl Browning Alconbury MHS
Ankara High School Connections Ankara High School Connections Ankara EHS
Ankara/George C. Marshall High School Tim Wurtz Ankara EHS
Ansbach American High School Dennis Phipps Ansbach MHS
Antilles High School Debi Schneider Antilles HS
Asmara American Dependent High School EU-South
Augsburg American High School Tina Egeler Heyden
Aviano High School Jared Maher Aviano MHS
Bad Kreuznach American High School info@bkahs
Baker High School Fort Benning Schools
Bamberg American High School Alumni Association
Baumholder American High School Bob Hartline EU-East
Berlin Brats Alumni Association Jeri (Polansky) Glass, Director Carl Fenstermacher, webmaster Europe
Bitburg High School Alumni Association Ed Fuller Frank Wright
Bonn American High School Linda Wagner Cara Harbecke Metz EU-East
Brent School Gerry Geronimo Pacific
Brindisi Centurion Association Ruth Blakemore Vaughan EU-South
Brussels American High School Bobetta Clark-Jones Brussels EHS
Burtonwood American High School Vicki & Larry Ahlemann EU-West
Canadian Air Force Bratz Network Alan Macleod
Canadian Military Brats Danny Mulrooney
Chateauroux American High School Europe
Chitose American High School Douglas Nordgren PAC-East
Chofu High/Middle/Elementary School : Stephanie Barret, President John St. Onge, CAA Webmaster PAC-East
Chofu Middle School Pamela Shelley PAC-East
Croughton American High School Lyn Kulczyk Pool
Decades of E.J. King School EJ King MHS
Dreux American High School Alumni Association Vicki Key Europe
Forrest Sherman High School (Naples American High School) Matt Knutson Naples MHS
Fort Campbell High School Fort Campbell HS
Fort Knox High School Kevyn Jacobs Fort Knox MHS
Frankfurt American High School (1949-1994) Dennis Berwyn
Frankfurt American High School (1963-1966) Allen Macklin
Frankfurt American High School (1967-1971) Gayle Spear Cratty
Garmisch Jr. High School Robin Tim Garmisch EMS
George C. Marshall High School Steve "Wray" Woolley Ankara Community Schools
George Dewey High School Sam Simbulan Pacific
Golcuk, Turkey Alumni Page Steven Phipps EU-South
Goose Bay High School Americas
Greenham Common High School Christopher Mabie EU-West
Guam High School Alumni Association George Flores Guam HS
Hahn American High School Hahn Alumni Association
Hanau American High School Alumni Association Robin Peralta Hanau HS
Heideberg High School Alumni Association
HH Arnold High School Glenn Ellis
Incirlik American High School Alumni Association Peggy Hyatt
Istanbul DODS School Jim DeAngelo EU-South
Izmir High School James Mangrum EU-South
John F. Kennedy School Andy Hoppe Europe
John Paul Jones School John Carpenter Loren Stiegelmar Pacific
Johnson High School Lola Meier Norton PAC-East
Kadena High School Alumni Association Kadena HS
Kaiserslautern American High School Dennis "Buzz" Chambers Kaiserslautern HS
Karamursel High School David Councill EU-South
Karlsruche American High School Alumni Association Gail Butler Newchurch
Kindley High School Americas
Kubasaki High School Alumni Association Kubasaki HS
Kyoto High School Alumni Information Micael McKee PAC-East
Lajes High School Alumni Association
Lakenheath American High School Alumni David Hocking Lakenheath HS
Lakenheath High School 1960's Era Alumni Association Frank Kelley Lakenheath HS
Lakenheath HS Class of 1971 Daniel Fouts Lakenheath HS
Lejeune High School Lisa Beavers Anita Lancaster, Alumni Organization President Lejeune HS
Livorno American HS Alumni Sue Harris Wright Livorno Community Schools
London Central HS Alumni Association Mike EU-West
M.C. Perry High School Alumni MC Perry HS
Mannheim American High School Alumni Association Terri Scott
Military Brats Registry Marc Curtis Americas, Europe, Pacific
Military Brats Registry Marc Curtis Americas, Europe, Pacific
Military Brats Registry Marc Curtis Americas, Europe, Pacific
Military Family Institute Nelson Wood
Misawa/Edgren High School Class Reunions (dating back to 1950) Edgren MHS
Munich American High School Alumni Site Gilda Littlejohn Northcott & Ray Northcott
Naples American High School Sherwin Porciuncula Naples MHS
Narimasu High School PAC-East
Nelson C. Brown High School Sharon Ray Renno EU-South
Nile C. Kinnick & Yokohama High Schools Kinnick HS
NOMAD The Brat Journal Dave Wilson
Nurnberg American HS Alumni Association Terry Jorgensen
Orleans American High School Europe
Osan American High School Alumni Osan MHS
Oslo American School Alumni Maryl Sellman Mike Vollmer Europe
Osterholz High School Alumni Tracy Fuentes Europe
Overseas Brats On-Line Community All schools
Overseas/Military Brat School & Alumni Association Glenn Greenwood All schools
Pusan American High School Classmates Webmaster PAC-West, Pacific
Pusan American High School Classmates Webmaster PAC-West, Pacific
Ramey High School (under construction) Glenn Greenwood
Rhein Main American School Frank Shelton
Rochefort American HS Alumni Pat Reilly Blackwell
Roger B. Chaffee Kathy Alden Americas
Roosevelt Roads High School Kelly Lauritzen Puerto Rico
Sembach American High School Glenn Ellis Kaiserslautern Community Schools
Seoul American High School Alumni Kelly Bonine Hall
Sevilla High School Druci Long West Rota Community Schools
SHAPE High School Scott Hopkinson
Soesterberg American High School Alumni Jeffrey Ross EU-West
Stephen Decatur Unit School vLouis Lee Maples Sigonella MHS
Stuttgart/Ludwigsburg American High School Alumni Association SAHS/LAHS Alumni Assn President
Thomas Mack Wilhoite High School Doug Campbell EU-South
Torrejon/Madrid High School Phil Sylvia Cheryl Browning EU-West
Toul American High School Europe
Ulm American High School Marty Mulcahey Europe
Upper Heyford EU-West
Verdun American HS John Everley
Vicenza American HS Teddy Spittal Vicenza HS
Vilseck American High School Lars O. R. Thompson Vilseck HS
Wagner/Wurtsmith High School Gary McClellan Pacific
Wiesbaden High School Lyn Baskett Fort Wiesbaden HS
William T. Sampson High School
Woodbridge American High School Nelson Bishop EU-West
Wuerzburg American HS Bob Manwaring
Yamato High School Loren D. Collett PAC-East
YO-HI Alumni (dating back to 1946) Webmasters CFA Yokosuka Schools, Kinnick HS
YO-HI Alumni (dating back to 1946) Webmasters CFA Yokosuka Schools, Kinnick HS
Yokota High School Alumni Association William Lee Yokota HS
Zama American Middle and High School (dating back to 1957) Zama Alumni Association Zama MHS
Zaragoza Alumni Association Dolores Gargus EU-South
Zaragoza High School Toros Teresa Almond Welch EU-South

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