Office of the Director |
(571) 372-0590 |
(678) 364-8000 |
DSN: (314) 545-1503 Local: 0611-143-545-1503 From U.S.: 011 (49) 611-143-545-1503 |
DSN: (315) 652-5650 Local: 098-961-7777-652-5650 From US: 011-81-98-961-7777-652-5650 |
Office of the Chief of Staff |
(571) 372-0590 |
(678) 364-8001 |
DSN: (314) 545-1503 Local: 0611-143-545-1503 From U.S.: 011 (49) 611-143-545-1503 |
DSN Phone: (315) 652-5650 Local: 098-961-7777-652-5650 From US: 011-81-98-961-7777-652-5650 |
DoDEA Office of Communications/Public Affairs |
(571) 372-0613 (571) 372-0614 |
DSN: (314) 545-1511 Local: 0611-143-545-1506 From US: 011-49-611-143-545-1506 |
DSN Phone: (315) 652-5657 Local: 098-961-7777-652-5657 From US: 011-81-98-961-7777-652-5657 |
DoDEA Educational Partnership |
(571) 372-6026 |
Center for Instructional Leadership (CIL) |
(678) 364-8055 |
DSN: (314) 545-1549 Local: 0611-143-545-1549 From US: 011-49-611-143-545-1549 |
DSN: (315) 652-5664 Local: 098-961-7777-652-5664 From US: 011-81-98-961-7777-652-5664 |
Equal Employment Opportunity Programs (EEOP) |
(571) 372-0966 |
(678) 364-6655 |
DSN: (314) 545-1914 Local: 0611-143-545-1914 From U.S.: 011 (49) 611-143-545-1914 |
DSN: (315) 652-5656 Local: 098-961-7777-652-5656 From US: 011-81-98-961-7777-652-5656 |
HR Regional Service Center (HR) |
EAS Teacher Applicant Inquires - Please e-mail Benefits - Army Benefits Center ABC-C - The DoDEA servicing team can be reached at: 1-877-276-9268, option 2 or by email at |
Information Technology Division (IT) |
(571) 372-1111 |
(470) 460-8042 |
DSN: (314) 545-1869 Local: 0611-143-545-1869 From U.S.: 011 (49) 611-143-545-1869 |
DSN: (315) 652-5765 Local: 098-961-7777-652-5765 From US: 011-81-98-961-7777-652-5765 |
Logistics Division |
(571) 372-1412 |
Office of General Counsel (OGC) |
(571) 372-5751 |
(470) 460-2020 |
DSN: (314) 545-1592 Local: 0611-143-545-1592 From U.S.: 011 (49) 611-143-545-1592 |
DSN: (315) 652-5680/5773 Local: 098-961-7777-5680/5773 From US: 011-81-98-961-7777-652-5680/5773 |
Office of the Inspector General |
(571) 372-7410 |
(571) 372-7410 |
(571) 372-7410 |
(571) 372-7410 |
Security Management Division |
(571) 372-1466 |
DSN: (314) 545-1911 Local: 0611-143-545-1911 From U.S.: 011 (49) 611-143-545-1911 |
DSN: (315) 652-5787 Local: 098-961-7777-652-5787 From US: 011-81-98-961-7777-652-5787 |
Insider Threat Program |
(571) 372-1460 |
Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) |
(571) 372-1401 |
Procurement Division; Doing business with DoDEA |
(571) 372-1401 |
Regulations, Educational Support Policy & Legislation |
(571) 372-1900 |
Resource Management Division (RMD) |
(571) 372-1456 |
For Public Website Issues please contact the DoDEA webmaster (EAS Teacher Applicant Inquires - Please e-mail |