Telephone Messages

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review


To avoid disrupting instructional time, only emergency messages will be delivered to teachers in classrooms. All other messages will be sent to the teacher via email, which they may be able to receive during their planning period or at lunch.

To ensure the teacher receives the message, please call by 10:00 a.m. to allow the school office ample time to send the message. In addition, the school intercom system will not be used to deliver messages to students or to check your child out of the classroom unless there is an emergency approved by an administrator.


Due to classroom transitions throughout the school day, it is not always possible to relay phone messages to students. To avoid disrupting instructional time, only emergency messages will be delivered directly to classrooms. All other messages will be sent to the child's teacher via email. The school office cannot guarantee delivery of phone messages to students received after 1:00 p.m. Please provide your child with transportation/pick-up instructions prior to start of school.

Related regulations

Grading System (K-3) Americas

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

For grades K–3, achievement codes rather than letter grades will be used.

Code Description


Exceeds grade-level expectations: Student exhibits the skills/behaviors independently without teacher support. Students at this level are exceeding the grade-level standards.


Meets grade-level expectations: Student exhibits the skills/behaviors independently with minimal teacher support.


Steady progress towards grade-level expectations: Student exhibits the skills/behaviors with teacher guidance and support.


Limited progress towards grade-level expectations: Student exhibits the skills/behaviors in isolated or rare instances, or with a great deal of support. The performance is inconsistent and below the normal range of expectancy for a student at this grade level.

Related regulations

Fort Moore Elementary Supply Lists 22-23

This applies to:
Fort Moore Schools
Modification date
This policy is under review


*Please label all supplies with your child’s name.

*All students are required to wear pants/shorts and gym shoes during PE class

Optional items for each student:

  • Headphones (USB- no wireless)
  • Gallon size zip lock bags
  • Kinder to 5th: 2-3 Composition Books
  • Graph paper (4th and 5th grades only)
  • Water Bottle
Pre-K to 1st Grade
Backpack (clear recommended) 1
Plastic or vinyl folders- pockets 2
Crayons (24 count) 1
Pencils (#2 hardness) 1 pkg
Eraser (bar style, not pencil cap style) 2
2nd to 5th Grades
Backpack (clear recommended) 1
Pencils (#2 hardness) 2 pkg
Notebook paper-wide ruled 2 pkg
Folders-pockets, prongs (Plastic) 3
Crayons (24 count) 1 pkg
Colored pencils 1 pkg
Eraser (bar style, not pencil cap style) 1
Large Pencil Pouch 1
3 ring binder @ 1” (single subject) 1
Related regulations

Classroom Environment

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

DoDEA Schools provide a warm and nurturing environment for students. Classroom instruction, student assignments, assessments, and homework are standards based. The focus is on ensuring that all students master DoDEA standards through differentiated instruction and best practices. Classroom instruction is developmental and engaging so students are successful. Instructional time is protected to maximize learning opportunities. It is imperative that students are on time and remain in school throughout the day to capitalize on all opportunities.

Animals or Pets

Per DoDEA regulation, before an animal or pet can be brought in to the school for any reason (to include bringing in pets when there are no classes in session), the animal or pet owner must first have written approval from the Principal. Animals that could cause injury or harm to any person, WILL NOT be brought to school. The pet owner will provide a copy of the Veterinarian certificate for the Principal and School Nurse prior to bringing the animal or pet into the school. A copy of this certificate must be kept in the classroom at all times and a copy retained by the School Nurse in an animal/pet veterinary clearance file. In addition, a copy will also be kept on file in the school office. Animals are visitors at our school, not residents. If your child has any animal allergies, please notify the School Nurse.

Water Bottles

Students are allowed to use personal water containers (plastic only, please) in classrooms and other instructional areas as appropriate. Staff and administrators have the right and responsibility to check the contents of all water containers. Water bottles should be clearly marked with the student's name.

No food or drinks will be allowed in the hallways, playgrounds, or stage area.

Birthday Celebrations

Please do not bring flowers, balloons, or other gifts to the school for birthdays. Students may bring birthday invitations at the teacher's discretion to school, only if there is an invitation for each child in the classroom. Classroom teachers will determine an appropriate time for distribution.


To avoid interruption of instructional time, flowers or other gifts will not be delivered to students. If we should receive a delivery for a student, we will notify the student's parent and hold it in the office until the end of the school day for the parent to pick up.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance or National Anthem will be incorporated into the morning announcements. Participation is not mandatory, but all students are expected to show respect.

Related regulations

Parent Communication

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

Questions and Concerns

Parents who have questions and/or concerns are requested to resolve it at the most appropriate and immediate level. For typical classroom matters, the following procedures should apply in order as needed:

  • Step 1- The parent discusses the matter with the teacher.
  • Step 2- The parent and teacher meet with the principal if the matter is not resolved in step 1.
  • Step 3- Those matters which cannot be resolved at the school level are referred to the Community Superintendent's Office.

These procedures follow the correct chain-of-command/line of authority from teacher to principal to superintendent and focus on resolution at the lowest level. Parents are encouraged to seek immediate resolution of problems. Prompt action can frequently prevent complications and more serious problems later on.

Related regulations

Playground Policy

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

Use of Equipment

Parents should be aware that not all playground equipment is appropriate for all children who may use the playground. Parents and supervisors should look for posted signs indicating the appropriate age of the users and direct children to equipment appropriate for their age. Toddlers and preschool-age children require more attentive supervision than older children; however, one should not rely on supervision alone to prevent injuries.

Because all playgrounds present some challenge and because children can be expected to use equipment in unintended and unanticipated ways, adult supervision is highly recommended. A playground should allow children to develop gradually and test their skills by providing a series of graduated challenges. The challenges presented should be appropriate for age related abilities and should be ones that children can perceive and choose to undertake. Toddlers, preschool- and school-age children differ dramatically, not only in physical size and ability, but also in the intellectual and social skills.

Our playgrounds are closed to the public when school is in session.The playground equipment is appropriate for children attending the school. We also ask that all children be supervised at all times. Safety shall always be the prime consideration when children are playing. Any situation or activity that poses a hazard will be stopped. Children are expected to use our playground equipment for the purpose it was intended. Consequences of breaking the playground rules may lead to restriction of playground activities or stronger disciplinary action if the behavior is severe or persistent.

  1. Children should play in a safe and friendly manner. Children may not throw objects (sticks, rocks, dirt, etc.), call others names, argue, or play in a manner that is too rough. "Play fighting" typically results in real fighting and is prohibited. The school will not support "hitting back". When two children fight at school, both will be considered wrong. Adults are present in all school situations and should be used as a means of intervention before a fight occurs.
  2. Children should play only in designated areas and obtain permission from the playground supervisor in order to leave for any reason.
  3. Walk to the playground on the sidewalk in an orderly, quiet manner. This is necessary because you will pass classrooms that are in session. Use only "whisper" voices until you get to the playground. Students must use the sidewalks around our building for safety purposes and to save our grass. We want to keep our school campus looking great!

Playground Behavior Expectations

  • Be willing to try new things
  • Use encouraging word if someone finds an activity hard
  • Walk quietly and orderly as they exit and enter the building
  • Include everyone in play
  • Apologize for accidents
  • Show good sportsmanship
  • Actively engage in play and activities
  • Line up quickly and quietly
  • Take turns and share
  • Take care of equipment and clean up when play is over
  • Stay in approved areas
  • Leave sticks, rocks, mulch, and dirt on the ground
  • Wear proper shoes

Children's use of the playgrounds after school hours is only permitted under the supervision of parents.

Related regulations


This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

Homework is one means of developing the necessary skills of independent study and learning for present and future use. Homework promotes organizational skills and a sense of responsibility. It is also an opportunity for parents to become actively involved in their child's learning and for each child to reach his/her full potential. Through homework, students are given the opportunity to complete additional practice and application to strengthen skills; to expand and/or enrich regular class work; to complete work started in class; to make up work due to absence.

Teachers may assign homework as determined necessary to enhance student learning that is taking place in the classroom. Each child works at his/her own pace, so the amount of time needed to complete specific assignments may vary. The types of homework may vary to enable the student to have experience/practice in reading, writing, computational skills, and other subject areas during a given week. Frequency and length of assignments will be grade appropriate. At a very minimum, a child should read or be read to 15-20 minutes nightly

Students are responsible for ensuring that they:

  • Understand the homework assignment.
  • Take home all books and materials needed to do the assignment.
  • Complete the homework in the assigned format and turn it in when it is due.
  • Participate actively and cooperatively in the evaluation of their homework when appropriate.

Parents are encouraged to provide an environment which fosters the development of life-long learning skills.

This includes:

  • A quiet place to work.
  • Necessary materials.
  • A regular study time.
  • Review the student planner.
  • Encouragement and praise.
Related regulations

Absence Procedures

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

Please call the front office within 30 minutes of the start time when you know your child will be absent or tardy.

Appointments or Illness

Students will not be released from school on the basis of a telephone call. Parents must sign-out and sign-in their children when taking them to appointments and back to school. When students are sent home because of illness, they are to be accompanied by their parent(s) or authorized guardian/emergency contact.

Absence Notification

Parents are asked to call the front office when they know their child will be absent. The sponsor must provide the front office with a written explanation of each absence when the child returns to school. The sponsor's note, by itself, does not constitute an excused absence.

Parents will be informed of unexcused absences. Students will be required to make up all missed school assignments. Parents are strongly encouraged to work closely with their child's teachers to ensure all class assignments are completed in a timely manner.

Release of Students Policy

During the school day, students will be released only to a parent or to the person listed as the emergency contact on the registration form. The only exceptions will be:

  1. A signed note is received from the sponsor designating another adult to pick up the student or
  2. A military unit has designated someone to pick up the student when parents and emergency contacts could not be reached.
Related regulations

Study (Field) Trips

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

Academics are not restricted to the classroom, but take place in the community as well. Therefore, study trips may be ongoing throughout the school year. A letter from your child's teacher, to include the date, time, and destination of the study trip, will be sent home the week prior to the planned trip. At various times during the school year, classes may take study trips as part of the instructional program. Study trips are considered part of the instructional day. Children MUST HAVE A PERMISSION SLIP SIGNED BY THE PARENT before they go on any trip leaving the school. If a parent does not want to send their child on a study trip, the teacher will make alternate arrangements for the child to attend another class for the period of the study trip or parents may elect to keep their child at home. Parents may attend the study trip with the child in these instances. Chaperones may not bring siblings/infants on a study trip. As an invited chaperone, one's responsibility must be to help supervise all the students in the classroom.

Guidelines for Chaperones

  1. All chaperones pay their way (entrance fees, transportation, if not DoDEA funded bus, etc.).
  2. Other younger/preschool age children in the family will not be allowed to accompany parents on a trip, as they tend to distract parents and students alike.
  3. Children from other classrooms will not be allowed to accompany their brothers/sisters on a study trip.
  5. Chaperones are required to accompany the class to and from the trip. Following the bus in their private vehicle is not close supervision.
  6. Chaperones may not transport their student or any other student to and from the study trip. Students are required to ride the bus to and from the study trip. Under no circumstances may a child be checked out from the study trip(with the exception of a bona fide emergency). The child MUST return to the school and then he/she may be checked out at that time.
  7. Chaperones must have an approved volunteer application on file prior to attending a field trip as a chaperone. Please allow 5 business days for processing of all volunteer request forms.
Related regulations

Tardy Policy

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

Students arriving to school late or being dismissed early from school are signed in and out through the front office. The time and reason for being absent from school is noted for accountability.

Students arriving at school after the instructional day begins are considered tardy. If you know that your child will be late arriving to school, please make certain that a note is sent explaining why they are tardy. A student who is tardy should report to the office for a late slip before going to his/her classroom. A signed appointment slip from the dentist or doctor may be used in lieu of a note from parents. Parents should come in to the office to sign in their child; or a signed note is requested from parents.

Students who are tardy due to government transportation are excused and will not need to obtain a late slip from the office. A tardy not properly reported by the parent or guardian is unexcused unless circumstances warrant otherwise. The classroom teacher will report students who are frequently tardy to the administration. Parents may be contacted if it is noted that a student has numerous unexcused tardies.

Students with more than 5 unexcused tardies and/or early dismissals and students with more than 7 unexcused absences may be referred to the Student Support Team (SST) and then to the Command if the problem is not resolved.

Related regulations

School Boards

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

DoDEA school administrators, in partnership with sponsors/family members, students, and military leaders, promote communication through the establishment of school boards to address issues (school initiatives, procedures and policies) locally. This is a system-wide way for parents to get involved in their child’s local school. Consult your child’s school to learn more about school boards.

Middle School Supply List

This applies to:
Albritton MS
Shughart MS
Modification date
This policy is under review
  • One 3-ring binder
  • Loose leaf paper
  • Dividers with pockets
  • Pencil pouch
  • Composition/Spiral notebooks
  • Colored pencils
  • Regular pencils
  • Scissors
  • Highlighters
  • Glue sticks
  • 1 Pair of earbuds or headphones - Recommended: Inexpensive (less than $5) with auxiliary cable connection (no USB)

Electives: Additional supplies may be needed for a specific class.

Please Note: As the year progresses, more supplies may be needed and/or supplies may need to be replenished.

Related regulations

Emergency School Closure

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

Emergency school closure occurs when unforeseen circumstances such as broken water pipes, flooding, loss of power,severe weather, etc., warrant closure to be initiated during non-school hours. The decision to close the school is made through input from the administrators, our superintendent, and the Commander. An announcement of the closure will be broadcast on TV and/or radio, DNS, and through the base command units.

The DoDEA Notification System (DNS) allows for each school to contact all of their parents and/or staff with one phone message through an automatic dialing system. At the District level it allows a message to be sent to all parents and/or staff in the same method. This allows greater security and sharing of information with parents and staff. There is a Point of Contact (POC) at each location that has the necessary codes to access the system.

There are situations in which school may be canceled during school hours. Once again, this decision is made by the individuals stated above. Once the decision has been made to release students, staff members will alert all classrooms.Students who ride the bus will be released to board the bus at a set time. For those students who walk, ride a bike, or are picked up, they may be released once their parent/guardian has been contacted and agree with that process. If we are unable to reach a student's parent/guardian by the time teachers are released, the teacher will bring them to the office and the office staff will assist in contacting the parent. For these emergencies STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO LEAVE SCHOOL GROUNDS WITHOUT THEIR PARENT/GUARDIAN BEING NOTIFIED. As stated before,please ensure all contact numbers are updated at all times with both your child's teacher and the school office.

Related regulations

Emergency Evacuation

This applies to:
Modification date
This policy is under review

In accordance with our antiterrorism/force protection plan, the school will be evacuated unless otherwise determined by the command and our district office. In cases where the school has to evacuate the premises due to any safety concerns, the students and staff will evacuate to designated locations away from the threat. If we have to leave the school area and/or send students home we will make every effort to contact each sponsor. During the time of any evacuation, all students will remain with their teachers. If information is received from our district office or from the Command Post to send students home, the school will then release the student(s) to the parent/guardian provided proper identification has been presented. We appreciate your cooperation during times such as these. Again, it is imperative that the school has updated contact information in case of any type of emergency. Please contact the school office to ensure all contact numbers are updated and current.

Related regulations

Grooming and Dress

This applies to:
Fort Stewart Schools
Modification date
This policy is under review

In accordance with Installation Policy, all children and adults should present a well-groomed and acceptable appearance at school and at all school functions. Any clothing that distracts students from learning or presents a safety hazard is inappropriate for school. Students in violation of the dress code will be required to call parents for a change of clothing.

Examples of distracting or unsafe clothing include:

  • Clothes which expose the midriff
  • Clothes that are too tight or too short
  • Clothes/tattoos with offensive pictures or logos
  • Hats and bandannas
  • Pants that are excessively large or with words written across the buttocks
  • Shoes inappropriate for recess, PE, and play

*Parents can determine if clothing is too short by making sure that the clothing exceeds the length of students' fingertips when their arms are hanging by their sides. A student's waistline should not be exposed when arms are raised above the head.

Related regulations

School Closure

This applies to:
Fort Moore Schools
Fort Campbell Schools
Fort Liberty Schools
Fort Knox Schools
Modification date
This policy is under review

When hurricanes, snow or other severe weather conditions occur, it is sometimes necessary to cancel school, delay the opening of school, or dismiss classes early.

Before the School Day Begins

If it becomes necessary to cancel school due to inclement weather parents will be notified through our AdHoc system as well as listen to local radio or TV stations in the morning for information about school cancellation for the day.

After the School Day Has Begun

Once the school day has begun, every effort will be made to keep school in session for the entire day. Many of our children have two working parents, and we understand the problems that early dismissal might cause.

The decision to close school during the day is announced as soon as possible through our AdHoc system as well as on local radio and TV. It is important for parents to stay tuned to a local station if they suspect possible school closings.

Under the best conditions, it takes approximately two hours from the time an early dismissal decision is made until the last bus leaves a school. Children who ride a bus home from school, can expect to start arriving home any time from thirty minutes to over two hours after the dismissal decision is made. It is important for parents to discuss the possibility of an early closing due to inclement weather with their children. Establishing a plan for such occasions will help to eliminate confusion and worry for the child and will provide assurance for the parent and the school that the child is safe and secure.

The contact information on record with the school will be used for notifications. Please inform the school whenever your contact information changes.

Note: Your child's school may also notify you of important announcements using the AdHoc notification system.

Related regulations

School Closure

This applies to:
Puerto Rico
Modification date
This policy is under review

When hurricanes or other severe weather conditions occur, it is sometimes necessary to cancel school, delay the opening of school, or dismiss classes early.

Hurricane season is June through November.

Listen to local radio and watch the Weather Channel on television for up-to-date information and instructions. Actions taken during hurricane conditions will be in accordance with the Emergency Plan put out by the Military Command.

Hurricane Procedures - During School Hours

All students and staff will report for school unless notified otherwise. The Commanding Officer and the coordinating district office determine cancellation of school. If it is determined that the normal schedule must be interrupted, the following will occur.

After the School Day Has Begun

The District Superintendent will contact each school.

Before the School Day Begins

An announcement will be made over Radio and TV. The announcement will clearly state whether students are to report to school for the day. The announcement will also include a statement regarding the work status of military and civilian government workers, including teaching staff.

Related regulations

School Closure

This applies to:
West Point Schools
Modification date
This policy is under review

When hurricanes, snow or other severe weather conditions occur, it is sometimes necessary to cancel school, delay the opening of school, or dismiss classes early.

School Closings

On days when the West Point Schools (WPS) are closed due to inclement weather, the news media will make appropriate announcements. The decision to close the West Point Schools is made by WPS administration, in consultation with USMA, and is independent of other school districts, i.e., Highland Falls. School authorities in the surrounding communities may or may not close their schools. On days when weather is inclement, parents are urged to insure that school will be in session prior to dropping their children off at school.

AdHoc Notification System

School delays, closures, early dismissals and information about school events will be communicated to parents using the AdHoc notification system. AdHoc sends a recorded message to every telephone number listed in the school database so that parents will be sure to receive critical information. The only way to keep the message from going to a particular phone number is to remove it from the school database, which would mean that the number would not be accessible to teachers or other staff members.

Additional Information Resources

Check the additional sources on inclement weather days:

  • Television Channel: Post Command Channel 23
  • Special Post Weather Telephone Number: 845-938-7000
  • Radio Stations:
    • WGNY - 1220 AM
    • WHUD - 100.7 FM
    • WSPK - 104.7 FM
Related regulations

School Closure

This applies to:
MCAS Beaufort (Laurel Bay) Schools
Modification date
This policy is under review

Emergency Closing

School closings will be messaged through AdHoc. The Superintendent will notify the Joint Public Affairs Office. School closings will be announced by the Joint Public Affairs Office on local radio and TV stations as well as on TV Channel 2 and Beaufort Approach (228-6028)., 98.3 FM, 98.7 FM, 107.9 FM,and 106.9 FM.

Please do not call the school (due to limited phone lines). Laurel Bay Schools are within the jurisdiction of the MCAS Official Destructive Weather Information Hotline System.

Current information regarding the operation of the Laurel Bay Schools, during periods of severe weather or other emergencies, may be accessed by calling 1-800-343-0639, and pressing "4" for Laurel Bay. This number is routinely updated and will provide information regarding the status of when school will resume.

MCAS Beaufort Weather Resources.

Related regulations

School Closure

This applies to:
Fort Stewart Schools
Modification date
This policy is under review

When snow, severe weather conditions, or other emergencies occur, it is sometimes necessary to cancel school, delay the opening of school, or dismiss classes early.

School Closings

Before the School Day Begins

If it becomes necessary to cancel school due to inclement weather parents will be notified through our One Call Now telephone system as well as listen to the following local radio or TV stations in the morning for information about school cancellation for the day.

  • FM 92.3
  • FM 93.1
  • FM 101.1

Announcements about school closings will come from the District Superintendent's Office, not from individual schools or Post agencies.

After the School Day Has Begun

Once the school day has begun, every effort will be made to keep school in session for the entire day. Many of our children have two working parents, and we understand the problems that early dismissal might cause. The decision to close school during the day is announced as soon as possible through our AdHoc system as well as on local radio and TV.

  • Adults at the school will take care of students while parents or guardians are being notified.
  • Please listen to the radio and TV stations listed above.
  • Refrain from calling the school - telephone lines may be needed to call out for assistance.
  • Students will be held in the cafeteria during heavy rain or lightening storms.
  • Parents may pick up students in the car line or park and come into the school.
  • Students will not be dismissed to walk home if conditions are severe.
Related regulations
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