Dr. Michele Hoeft


Dr. Michele Hoeft joins Lejeune High School from within the local Camp Lejeune community. She was previously the assistant principal for Bitz Intermediate School and Heroes Elementary School. Dr. Hoeft began her DoDEA journey in 2016 in the Pacific South Region at Bob Hope Primary School in Okinawa, Japan. She was also a first-grade teacher at Devers Elementary in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Throughout her career, Dr. Hoeft has been an active member of Continuous School Improvement teams, led School Quality Factor committees, facilitated professional learning sessions, and participated as a member of the Math Task Group for the Pacific South. Before her time with DoDEA, she worked in public education in Arizona, Florida, and South Carolina.

Dr. Hoeft holds a bachelor's degree from Wittenberg University, a master's in teaching from the University of South Carolina, and a doctorate in leadership from the American College of Education. She believes that student success is best achieved through effective instructional methods and strong collaboration with stakeholders. Dr. Hoeft advocates for a whole-child, multifaceted team approach to student support and emphasizes the importance of building trust with families.

Dr. Hoeft is the proud wife of a retired United States Marine and a mother of three military-connected children. She enjoys traveling and attending her children's sporting events in her spare time.

Heroes ES and Bitz IS, Dr. Michele Hoeft, Assistant Principal

Dr. Michele Hoeft

Assistant Principal

835 Stone Street
Camp Lejeune, NC 28547-2520
United States

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