Ms. Edwina Smith


Ms. Edwina Smith joined McBride Elementary School as principal October 2020. Prior to coming to McBride, Ms. Smith served as the principal of Dexter Elementary School for 6 years. She came to the Georgia/Alabama District as an assistant principal at Faith Middle School in 2013. The following year she was promoted to principal of Dexter Elementary School. Ms. Smith led Dexter through two successful school accreditations in 2015 and 2019.

Prior to coming to Fort Benning, Ms. Smith served as an assistant principal with the DoDEA Virtual School in both the Korea and Okinawa hubs from 2010-2013. She was also served as a guidance counselor at Sullivan Elementary in Yokosuka, Japan from 2007-2010. She joined DoDEA in 1988 as a middle/high school mathematics/computer teacher at Pirmasens Elementary/High School in Germany. In 1995 she moved to Giessen Middle/High School, Germany where she served as a guidance counselor, mathematics/computer science teacher, athletic director, varsity basketball coach, and varsity soccer coach.

Ms. Smith started her teaching career at Leesville High School in the Fort Polk, La area. As a former military spouse, she and her family transitioned to Baumholder, Germany where she worked as an instructor with the Basic Skills Education Program providing Soldiers with on-duty instruction in reading and math. She also was a substitute teacher at Baumholder Middle/High School where she first learned about teaching in DoDEA.

Ms. Smith also taught at Fountain-Fort Carson High while she and her family were stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado.

A native of New York City, Ms. Smith graduated from New York University with a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics/Computer Science Education. In 1997, she received her Master's Degree in Counseling from the University of Maryland and also earned 45 credit hours in Educational Leadership.

Ms. Smith is the mother of two adult daughters who attended DoDEA schools in Germany. Her younger daughter was educated in DoDEA schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. Ms. Smith has a 8- year old grandson, 4-year old twin granddaughters and a miniature poodle named Bentley.


DoDEA's official photo of Ms. Edwina Smith.

Ms. Edwina Smith


8270 Custer Road Bldg 11310
Fort Benning, GA 31905-7402
United States


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