Financial Algebra A

School year
2023 - 2024
Course Description

Financial Algebra A is a the first semester of a year-long mathematics interest course designed to help students make connections between Algebra, Geometry and real world applications to Finance. In this course, students are actively engaged in their learning as they build conceptual understanding of algebraic and geometric representations of Financial Mathematics. Further, students recognize that modeling the real world could be complicated; there is not always one right answer, but a range of acceptable solutions. Students routinely explore financial problems using graphing calculators and on-line financial resources. Students become proficient in knowing where to find and how to use the appropriate resource that best supports their needs. Student's ability to estimate and look for reasonable solutions to problems is a critical skill in ascertaining the validity and reliability of computer and calculator resources. Students can take Financial Algebra A and/or B in either order, and can take only one semester of the full-year course if desired. Course Note: This course is not considered a post Algebra II course towards admittance to most postsecondary institutions. This course meets 0.5 of the 1.0 graduation requirement of math credit of course code 400 and above.

Course Number
Grade Levels
School Level
Academic Level
Course Length
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