National Assessment of Educational Progress - DoDEA 2019

National Assessment of Educational Progress - DoDEA 2019

For Immediate Release -- October 30, 2019 | HQ

ALEXANDRIA, VA--Fourth and eighth-grade students attending Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools led the nation in scoring on the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Reading Assessment and fourth-grade Mathematics Assessment. DoDEA ranked second in the 2019 NAEP 8th Grade Mathematics Assessment. This year's fourth and eighth-grade student performance builds on DoDEA's strong showing in 2017 on the NAEP Reading and Mathematics Assessments.

DoDEA students' average scale scores ranged from 10 to 18 percentage points higher than corresponding national average scores, and mostly increased while national average scores mostly decreased.

"I am extremely proud of our students' performance on the 2019 NAEP Reading and Mathematics Assessments," said DoDEA Director, Thomas M. Brady. "The dedication and hard work of our teachers and administrators, along with the implementation of a rigorous College and Career Ready Curriculum, improved on the already impressive performance by DoDEA students on the 2017 NAEP."

"In 2019, DoDEA had the highest performance among black and Hispanic students of any state or jurisdiction. This resulted in us having the smallest statistical gaps in average score between white and black or white and Hispanic students on the NAEP. Given this continuing success, we believe that our commitment to providing a world class education to military-connected students, along with the DoD commitment to families, will allow us to continue to focus on our strategic plan and eventually eliminate achievement gaps in our system," said Brady.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Assessments are conducted periodically in mathematics, reading, science, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography, and U.S. history. NAEP does not provide scores for individual students or schools; instead, it offers results regarding subject-matter achievement, instructional experiences, and school environment for populations of students (e.g., fourth graders) and groups within those populations (e.g., Hispanic students). NAEP results are based on a sample of student populations of interest.


The NAEP Reading and Mathematics Assessments were administered using digital-based assessments (DBA) to fourth and eighth grade students in the nation's public schools. For more information about NAEP digital-based assessments, please visit


4th Grade

  • In 2019, the average scale score for DoDEA 4th grade students on the NAEP Reading Assessment was 235, while the average scale score for public school students was 219 (national public).
  • The DoDEA percentile average scale scores in 2019 (235) is higher than the national percentile average scale score (220) on the NAEP Grade 4 Reading Assessment.
  • The DoDEA average score in 2019 (235) was not significantly higher than the average score in 2017 (234) and was higher than their average score in 1998 (220).
  • The percentage of students in DoDEA who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 49 percent and this was greater than the national estimate (34 percent). This percentage was greater than that in 2017 (48 percent) and in 1998 (34 percent) when the NAEP reading assessment was administered for the first time in DoDEA. No significant difference in the percentage of students that score proficient and advanced since 2017.

8th Grade

  • The DoDEA average score on the eighth grade NAEP 2019 Reading Assessment was 280 while the average score for public school students was 262.
  • DoDEA eighth grade students performed significantly higher than students in other states in on the NAEP 2019 Reading Assessment.
  • The DoDEA average score on the 2019 NAEP Reading assessment was not significantly higher than the average score of in 2017 (280) and was higher than their average score in 1998 (269).
  • The percentage of students in DoDEA who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 52 percent and this was greater than the national estimate (32 percent). This percentage was not significantly higher from that in 2017 (51 percent) and was greater than that in 1998 (37 percent).


Table 1 shows a comparison of reading performance scores of DoDEA students and those in national public schools.

Table 1. Historical Performance of DoDEA students on the NAEP Reading Assessment
Subject Grade Year Score Difference from National Public (NP) At or Above Basic At or Above Proficient At Advanced
Reading 4 2019 235 +16 83 49 12
Reading 4 2017 234 +13 84 49 11
Reading 4 2015 234 +13 83 47 9
Reading 8 2019 280 +18 91 52 5
Reading 8 2017 280 +15 91 51 5
Reading 8 2015 277 +13 90 47 3

Table 1. Historical Performance of DoDEA students on the NAEP Reading Assessment 


4th grade Math

  • In 2019, the DoDEA average score on the fourth grade NAEP Mathematics Assessment was 250 significantly higher than the average score for public school students (240).
  • The DoDEA average score in 2019 (250) was higher than the average score in 2017 (249) and was higher than their average score in 2000 (227). This increase reflects the national trend of increasing performance on the Grade 4 NAEP Mathematics Assessment.
  • The percentage of students in DoDEA who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 54 percent and this was greater than the national average (40 percent). This percentage was greater from that in 2017 (51 percent) and in 2000 (21 percent) when the NAEP mathematics assessment was administered for the first time in DoDEA.

8th grade math

  • The DoDEA average score on the eighth grade NAEP Mathematics Assessment was 292, while the average score for public school students was 281.
  • The DoDEA average score of 293 on the 2017 NAEP Mathematics Assessment was not significantly different from the DoDEA average score in 2019 was higher than their average score in 2000 (277).
  • The percentage of students in DoDEA who performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level was 41 percent and this was greater than the national average (33 percent). This percentage was not significantly different from that in 2017 (42 percent) and in 2000 (26 percent) when the NAEP mathematics assessment was administered for the first time in DoDEA.


Table 2 shows a comparison of mathematics performance scores of DoDEA students and those in national public schools.

Table 2. Historical Performance of DoDEA students on the NAEP Mathematics Assessment
Subject Grade Year Score Difference from National Public (NP) At or Above Basic At or Above Proficient At Advanced
Mathematics 4 2019 250 +10 92 54 10
Mathematics 4 2017 249 +10 91 51 9
Mathematics 4 2015 248 +8 90 49 8
Mathematics 8 2019 292 +11 83 41 11
Mathematics 8 2017 293 +11 83 41 11
Mathematics 8 2015 291 +11 83 40 9

Table 2. Historical Performance of DoDEA students on the NAEP Mathematics Assessment


DoDEA 2019 NAEP Reading Results by Student Groups

With respect to fourth grade reading, female students achieved a higher average scale score in reading than that of the male students. White students in DoDEA had an average score that was higher than the average scores of Blacks and Hispanic students, but not significantly different from the average score of Asian students. The percentage of White students (55) performing at or above Proficient was greater than corresponding Black (37) and Hispanic (44) students, but not significantly different from the percentage of Asian students (52). Figure 1 shows the average NAEP 2019 reading scores of DoDEA students by sex and ethnicity.

Figure 1. NAEP 2019 Reading Grade 4 Average Scale Score Gap Report

NAEP 2019 Reading Grade 4 Average Scale Score Gap Report

With respect to eighth grade reading, female students achieved a higher average scale score in reading than that of the male students. The difference between student performance at or above Proficient level between male and female is significant; 47 percent and 58 percent respectively. White students in DoDEA had an average score that was higher than the average scores of Black and Hispanic students, but not significantly different from the average score of Asian students. The percentage of White students performing at or above Proficient was greater than corresponding percentages of Black and Hispanic students, but not significantly different from the percentage of Asian students. Figure 2 shows the average NAEP 2019 reading scores of DoDEA students by sex and ethnicity.

Figure 2. NAEP 2019 Reading Grade 8 Average Scale Score Gap Report

Figure 2. NAEP 2019 Reading Grade 8 Average Scale Score Gap Report

DoDEA 2019 NAEP Mathematics Results by Student Groups

With respect to fourth grade mathematics, male students in DoDEA had a higher average scale score (252) than female students (249) on the NAEP 2019 assessment. The percent of male students (57) that performed at or above Proficient was significantly higher than female students (50). White students in DoDEA had an average score that was significantly higher than the average scores of Blacks and Hispanic students, but was not significantly different than that of Asian students. The percentage of White students performing at or above Proficient was significant higher than corresponding Black and Hispanic students, but not significantly different than that of Asian students. Figure 3 shows the average NAEP 2019 mathematics scores of DoDEA students by ethnicity.

Figure 3. NAEP 2019 Mathematics Grade 4 Average Scale Score Gap Report

Figure 3. NAEP 2019 Mathematics Grade 4 Average Scale Score Gap Report

With respect eighth grade mathematics, male students in DoDEA had an average scale score in mathematics (293) that is not significantly different from that of female students (291). The difference between performance by sex at or above Proficient was also not significantly significant. White students in DoDEA had an average score that was significantly higher than the average scores of Blacks and Hispanic students, but was significantly lower than that of Asian students. The percentage of White students performing at or above Proficient was significant higher than corresponding Black and Hispanic students, but was significantly different than that of Asian students. Figure 4 shows the average NAEP 2019 mathematics scores of DoDEA students by ethnicity.

Figure 4. NAEP 2019 Mathematics Grade 8 Average Scale Score Gap Report

Figure 4. NAEP 2019 Mathematics Grade 8 Average Scale Score Gap Report


The NAEP Framework for Mathematics assesses students in five broad areas of mathematical content - Algebra, Data Analysis, Geometry, Measurement, and Number Operations. DoDEA students in 4th grade performed higher than 8th grade students in four content areas except for geometry. Students performed highest in Grade 4 measurement and Grade 8 Geometry.

NAEP Grade 4 and 8 Mathematics 2019: Subscale Effect Size

The NAEP Framework for Reading assesses students in two broad areas of reading - gain information and literary experience. NAEP 2019 performance of students in grade 4 and 8 are comparable between the two reading content areas.

NAEP Grade 4 and 8 Reading 2019: Subscale Effect Size

NAEP uses Item Response Theory (IRT) scaling and NAEP marginal estimations to estimate scale scores for each of the mathematics content areas at each grade. Each scale score distribution is transformed to NAEP scale scores that ranges from 0 to 500. Subscale effect sizes are used to compare performance in the different content areas. For more information about NAEP analysis, IRT, and scaling, see

Additional Information Detailed information on the 2019 NAEP Reading and Mathematics assessment and all other NAEP assessments can be found on the web at:

DoDEA plans, directs, coordinates, and manages pre-kindergarten through 12th grade education programs for school-age children of Department of Defense personnel who would otherwise not have access to high-quality public education. DoDEA schools are located in Europe, the Pacific, Western Asia, the Middle East, Cuba, the United States, Guam, and Puerto Rico. DoDEA also provides support and resources to Local Educational Agencies throughout the United States that serve children of military families.


NAEP Comparison Data (2017 and 2019)

Reading, Grade 4

  National public DoDEA
  Year Year
Grade 4 Reading 2019 2017 2019 2017
Average scale score Average scale score Average scale score Average scale score Average scale score
All 219 221 235 234
White 229 231 239 240
Black 203 205 228 226
Hispanic 208 208 230 229
Asian/Pacific Islander 237 238 234 233
American Indian/Alaska Native 204 203 ‡ ‡
Two or more races 225 226 236 235
Male 216 218 232 231
Female 223 224 238 238
Identified as students with disabilities 184 186 208 205
Not identified as students with disabilities 225 226 239 238
ELL 191 189 216 216
Not ELL 224 225 237 236
Percentile Estimates  
10th percentile 167 169 196 198
25th percentile 196 198 217 218
50th percentile 224 225 238 237
75th percentile 247 248 255 254
90th percentile 265 266 270 269
Achievement Level at or Above Proficient  
All 34 35 49 48
White 44 46 55 56
Black 18 19 37 34
Hispanic 23 22 44 42
Asian/Pacific Islander 55 56 47 46
American Indian/Alaska Native 20 21 ‡ ‡
Two or more races 40 40 50 48
Male 31 33 46 45
Female 37 38 52 52
Identified as students with disabilities 12 12 21 20
Not identified as students with disabilities 38 39 54 52
ELL 9 9 24 22
Not ELL 38 39 52 51

‡ Reporting standards not met.
DoDEA NOTE: DoDEA = Department of Defense Education Activity. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant.
NOTE: Black includes African American, Hispanic includes Latino, and Pacific Islander includes Native Hawaiian. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin. Prior to 2011, students in the "two or more races" category were categorized as "unclassified." Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2017 and 2019 Reading Assessments.

Reading, Grade 8

  National public DoDEA
  Year Year
Grade 8 Reading 2019 2017 2019 2017
Average scale score Average scale score Average scale score Average scale score Average scale score
All 262 265 280 280
White 271 274 285 284
Black 244 248 267 268
Hispanic 251 255 275 277
Asian/Pacific Islander 281 281 282 283
American Indian/Alaska Native 249 253 ‡ ‡
Two or more races 266 270 285 285
Male 256 260 276 275
Female 268 270 284 286
Identified as students with disabilities 228 231 255 252
Not identified as students with disabilities 267 270 284 284
ELL 221 226 254 ‡
Not ELL 265 268 282 282
Percentile Estimates  
10th percentile 211 218 244 245
25th percentile 239 243 263 264
50th percentile 265 268 283 282
75th percentile 288 290 299 299
90th percentile 308 309 314 314
Achievement Level at or Above Proficient  
All 32 35 52 51
White 41 44 61 57
Black 15 17 32 32
Hispanic 21 22 44 48
Asian/Pacific Islander 54 54 55 53
American Indian/Alaska Native 20 22 ‡ ‡
Two or more races 35 40 57 57
Male 27 30 47 44
Female 38 40 58 59
Identified as students with disabilities 9 9 18 17
Not identified as students with disabilities 36 38 57 56
ELL 3 5 17 ‡
Not ELL 35 37 54 53

‡ Reporting standards not met.
DoDEA NOTE: DoDEA = Department of Defense Education Activity. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant.
NOTE: Black includes African American, Hispanic includes Latino, and Pacific Islander includes Native Hawaiian. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin. Prior to 2011, students in the "two or more races" category were categorized as "unclassified." Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2017 and 2019 Reading Assessments.

Mathematics, Grade 4

  National public DoDEA
  Year Year
Grade 4 Mathematics 2019 2017 2019 2017
Average scale score Average scale score Average scale score Average scale score Average scale score
All 240 239 250 249
White 249 248 254 252
Black 224 223 241 239
Hispanic 231 229 246 244
Asian/Pacific Islander 261 258 255 254
American Indian/Alaska Native 228 228 ‡ ‡
Two or more races 243 244 252 251
Male 242 240 252 251
Female 238 238 249 246
Identified as students with disabilities 214 214 232 227
Not identified as students with disabilities 244 243 253 252
ELL 219 217 239 236
Not ELL 243 242 252 250
Percentile Estimates  
10th percentile 198 197 219 216
25th percentile 220 219 235 232
50th percentile 242 241 251 249
75th percentile 262 261 268 266
90th percentile 279 279 282 280
Achievement Level at or Above Proficient  
All 40 40 54 51
White 52 51 60 56
Black 20 19 38 36
Hispanic 28 26 47 41
Asian/Pacific Islander 67 64 60 57
American Indian/Alaska Native 25 25 ‡ ‡
Two or more races 44 44 57 57
Male 43 41 57 54
Female 38 38 50 47
Identified as students with disabilities 16 16 28 24
Not identified as students with disabilities 45 43 58 54
ELL 16 14 33 29
Not ELL 44 43 56 53

‡ Reporting standards not met.
DoDEA NOTE: DoDEA = Department of Defense Education Activity. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant.
NOTE: Black includes African American, Hispanic includes Latino, and Pacific Islander includes Native Hawaiian. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin. Prior to 2011, students in the "two or more races" category were categorized as "unclassified." Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2017 and 2019 Mathematics Assessments.

Mathematics, Grade 8

  National public DoDEA
  Year Year
Grade 8 Mathematics 2019 2017 2019 2017
Average scale score  
All 281 282 292 293
White 291 292 298 298
Black 259 260 276 277
Hispanic 268 268 285 287
Asian/Pacific Islander 309 310 300 303
American Indian/Alaska Native 263 268 ‡ ‡
Two or more races 285 285 294 296
Male 280 282 293 295
Female 282 282 291 291
Identified as students with disabilities 247 246 261 262
Not identified as students with disabilities 286 287 296 297
ELL 243 245 269 269
Not ELL 284 284 293 294
Percentile Estimates  
10th percentile 230 232 251 253
25th percentile 254 255 270 271
50th percentile 281 282 292 292
75th percentile 308 309 314 315
90th percentile 332 332 334 335
Achievement Level at or Above Proficient  
All 33 33 41 42
White 43 43 49 48
Black 13 13 20 22
Hispanic 19 20 34 32
Asian/Pacific Islander 61 62 50 59
American Indian/Alaska Native 15 19 ‡ ‡
Two or more races 36 36 43 47
Male 33 34 43 44
Female 33 33 39 39
Identified as students with disabilities 9 8 13 13
Not identified as students with disabilities 37 37 45 45
ELL 5 6 15 15
Not ELL 35 35 43 43

‡ Reporting standards not met.
DoDEA NOTE: DoDEA = Department of Defense Education Activity. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant.
NOTE: Black includes African American, Hispanic includes Latino, and Pacific Islander includes Native Hawaiian. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin. Prior to 2011, students in the "two or more races" category were categorized as "unclassified." Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2017 and 2019 Mathematics Assessments.

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