DoDEA School Dress Code - Effective School

DoDEA Student Dress Code

The DoDEA Education Policy team undertook a comprehensive review of the student dress code policy, comparing it to policies found in other school systems, and worked with students, parents, and staff members to create an updated policy that is designed to address three main priorities.

The new DoDEA-wide student dress code:

  1. Promotes one standard dress code across all three (3) regions.
  2. Provides for a safe and orderly environment that promotes respect for learning and a common identity that reflects the Mission.
  3. Establishes a positive approach to handling dress code infractions by using teachable moments to support changes in school attire choices while building problem solving skills.

DoDEA School Dress Code

This applies to:
All schools
Modification date
This policy is under review
Image showing dress code and location of armpit and mid-thigh

Students MUST wear:

  • Tops with sleeves (sleeveless tops/dresses are permitted for school sponsored formal events such as prom)
  • Solid clothing (not transparent or translucent) that fully covers the top and bottom from armpit to mid-thigh
  • Shoes (shoes must be safe for the school environment)
    • Bedroom slippers shall not be worn, except for school activities approved by the principal
    • Open toe shoes with a strap across the heel are allowed

Students CANNOT wear clothing with:

  • Language or images promoting violence
  • Language or images that depict, promote, or advocate the illegal use or sale of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products; violent conduct; curse words; pornography; that contain threats or expressions which are violent, discriminatory, lewd or obscene; or that advocate or promote any other illegal item or activity or the use of same
  • Derogatory speech/imagery targeting groups based on race/color, ethnicity/national origin, sex, disability, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law
  • Headgear that obscures the face (except as a religious observance or health purpose); clothing items with hoods attached can be worn but must not cover the head

* Teachers/courses can require certain attire as part of the curriculum (for example: physical education, culinary) that may include specific dress

* DoDEA issued athletic uniforms and athletic practice attire outside of the DoDEA school dress code is permitted when worn by participants during athletic practices and sports events

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