Paul Cuaresma has been teaching High School Science for the past 10 years, 9 of which has been at Guam High School with the DoDEA Pacific West District. He currently teaches students AP Physics 1, Physics in the Universe, and Environmental Science. In addition to students learning science in the classroom, Mr. Cuaresma actively engages students to perform Science Technology Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) beyond the classroom. For example, since 2013, he serves as an annual teacher sponsor for the DoDEA Pacific Far East STEMinars, and since 2016, coaches student researchers to compete in the annual DoDEA Pacific Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. In addition to classroom duties, he currently serves as Guam High School’s Science Department Chair and Chemical Hygiene Officer.

PAC West_Cuaresma
Paul Cuaresma Science Teacher
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