Paula Pierce was honored to be selected as the Turkey/Spain/Islands District Teacher of the Year for 2000-2001. Paula has been teaching third grade at Lajes Elementary in the Azores of Portugal for the past 5 years. Before she came to Lajes, Paula and her husband, Richard, taught in Bahrain, another T/S/I school, for 6 years. Richard is currently the ET for the Lajes Schools Complex. Paula has taught in DoDDS for the past 10 years.
Before joining DoDDS in 1990, she taught in Memphis, Tennessee, Las Vegas, Nevada, Blytheville, Arkansas, and Osceola, Arkansas. She has been both a regular classroom teacher, a teacher in a multi-age classroom, and a remedial reading specialist. Being the mother of two daughters, Tori and Megan, who have grown up in the DoDDS system, Paula is well aware of how the high expectations of a positive teacher can mold a child's school experience. She feels strongly that teachers have a powerful impact on children everyday and that impact should not only be caring and supportive but should provide opportunities for children to meet their potential.
"I believe that all children have the right to have a teacher who will look for their strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses. Each student has the right to be valued at whatever level they are able to work. As a teacher, I have the important responsibility to make that happen for every child every day."
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