Audrey currently teaches grades 1-2 (looping) at West Point Elementary School, West Point, New York. She received her B.S. from Buffalo State University in Art and Design and her Master's Degree in Elementary Education from Long Island University. "My job is a joyful one, but with this joy comes an awesome responsibility. Each day I am surrounded by a group of people who still hold a sense of awe and wonder about their world. They see magic in what others would describe as ordinary." A colleague writes, "You can see that she believes in education's power to expand a child's imagination and, thereby, enrich and enhance a life. She connects with her children because she believes in their intellect, their goodness, their humanity. She is her students' number one advocate, supporter, and fan."

2005 winner, Audrey Butler
Audrey Butler 1st and 2nd Grade Teacher
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