Eric Ebert joined DoDDS in 2000 as a sixth grade teacher at Yokota East Elementary. He also taught fourth and fifth grades at Cummings Elementary in Misawa, and fifth grade at E.C. Killin Elementary. This is his eighth year at Bechtel as the Educational Technologist. He began his teaching career in 1997 at M.K. Rawlings Elementary in Pinellas County, Florida. There Ebert taught fifth grade and later moved into a Technology Specialist position.
He served in the United States Marine Corps from 1990 to 1994 and was stationed on Okinawa as a military policeman. Much of his tour involved working with students as the Drug Abuse Resistance Education Officer for Bechtel, E.C. Killin and Zukeran elementary schools.
Ebert's goal, and his platform in the competition for DoDEA Teacher of the Year, is preparing teachers to transition to a 21st century classroom.
"The teacher's role will need to shift from the 'dispenser of knowledge' who takes an entire class through the same lesson at the same pace, to more of a 21st Century learning facilitator who guides students as they follow their own individualized education plan," he said.
"With the right software and training, every single student could be actively engaged in learning the curriculum standards at their own pace, following their own interests, and developing ownership of their own learning," Ebert said.
Ebert has a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Florida and a Masters' Degree in Educational Technology from Northern Arizona University. He is married and the proud father of two boys.
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