Dreaming big and goal setting are the driving forces leading Colleen English to her fifth grade classroom in Spangdahlem, Germany each day. After walking into a DoDEA school in the spring of 2004, she knew this was the place she was meant to be, to change lives and make a difference.
Hired three days before the 2004-2005 school-year, Mrs. English jumped right into the classroom, with the help of an army of DoDEA veterans. After her first year with DoDEA, Mrs. English returned to the states. She returned to Germany in 2009 and was hired originally as a substitute, to kindergarten aide, to a half-time classroom teacher, and finally a full -time teacher. As a kindergarten aide, Mrs. English was Co  Chair to the Continuous School Improvement (CSI) committee and helped Bitburg Elementary School (BES) through a successful Accreditation visit in 2011. Mrs. English worked as CSI chair for two additional years. She has continued as a Team Leader, through the transition to Spangdahlem Elementary School.
In the classroom, Mrs. English puts children first in all she does. She can often be found in her classroom long before the children arrive; working on unit plans and reviewing student data. Throughout the day and after school, she can be found collaborating with grade-level colleagues and staff members about student progress, lessons, and strategies for success in the classroom. Mrs. English knew that as a DoDEA teacher, she could impact and change the lives of many students.
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