FORT KNOX, Ky.  — Kingsolver Elementary, a Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) school, in partnership with the Fort Knox garrison, participated in a full-scale emergency exercise on Sept. 16 and 17, to test the installation's ability to respond to an environmental threat and reunify students with their families. The event was designed to assess the strength of the emergency response and the reunification process.
This year is the first time Kingsolver Elementary was involved in the exercise, with a complete reunification of students executed alongside the base-wide drill. The reunification took place at Saber & Quill Catering and Conference Center, a central meeting location for parents and children. The aim of the exercise was to ensure both the school and the Garrison are ready for a real-world emergency.
"Our goal was to ensure that faculty, staff, and families were informed and prepared for the event," said Matt Rowe, Kingsolver Elementary School Administrative Officer. "Reviewing the emergency action plan ensured our team was solid in our processes."
Communication was critical to the exercise's success. The school leadership began disseminating information internally and externally early on, giving families a chance to review evacuation routes and procedures through community events like "Tea with Dr. T." Parents were also able to elect how they wished to participate in the exercise through an online form, ensuring a high level of involvement.
"The exercise went well, and having so many families participate was extraordinary," said Jackson. "The level of engagement was unprecedented."
The results speak for themselves. Ninety-six percent of families participated, and 300 students were successfully reunited with their families. School buses cleared in 15 minutes, and all 505 participants—including students, faculty, and staff—were accounted for at their designated locations in less than an hour. An after-action review (AAR) conducted by school officials immediately after the exercise allowed for further evaluation, and Fort Knox Community Schools Superintendent Kimberly Dunn reported the final numbers during a garrison AAR.
"At the moment, the Kingsolver team was able to adjust as needed," said Dunn. "The flexibility they showed during the exercise was key to their success."
Kingsolver Elementary Assistant Principal Timothy Streeter praised the students' performance during the drill, stating, "Our kids did an amazing job throughout the exercise."
Dr. Aristian Torregano, Kingsolver Elementary principal, highlighted the collaborative nature of the exercise. "The key to this successful exercise was the partnership between all stakeholders, including the garrison, the community superintendent's office, families, faculty, staff, and scholars," she said.
While the exercise was deemed a success, Kingsolver Elementary plans to continue reviewing areas for improvement based on feedback from both staff and families. As emphasized throughout the process, safety remains a shared responsibility, and preparing for real-world scenarios is critical.
"Of course, we hope that everyone stays safe in all situations, but the reality is that we need to be ready," said Torregano. "On September 17, we executed a well-defined plan with our partners, and we learned valuable lessons from that experience."