Robert Dean has served Baumholder community schools with distinction during this quarter. As the administrative officer assigned to both Smith Elementary School and Baumholder Middle High School (at two different installations), Dean balances not only his own duties but is willing to step in and cover manpower shortages.

When Smith Elementary School was without a secretary, Dean managed all personnel actions, including payroll, onboarding of new employees, and securing substitute coverage, while managing the school’s front office. Dean worked closely with military partners to gather working parties to move furniture and deliver curriculum in preparation for the opening of the school year supporting teachers wholeheartedly.

Dean managed to remove old hazardous material (paints, cleaning products, solvents, and batteries) from the automotive lab at Baumholder Middle High School and disposed of expired sanitizing wipes from both schools freeing up space.

Additionally, he performed the registrar duties in July while the Smith Elementary School registrar was on leave and served as acting registrar and secretary for Baumholder Middle High School from Aug. 1-14.

Dean scheduled all Standard Response Protocol (SRP) drills and completed emergency action plans and other force protection assessments before suspense dates and in-processed eight new employees; six for Smith Elementary School and two for Baumholder Middle High School.

Dean is knowledgeable and first to be consulted when information is needed. His selfless attitude in every task shows a determined "whatever it takes" attitude.

Robert Dean, administrative officer assigned to Smith Elementary School and Baumholder Middle High School, was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Third Quarter of 2023.
Mr. Robert J. Dean Administrative Officer
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