Damon Doyle serves as the school support assistant at Johnson Primary School in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He continues to make the school a better place by going above and beyond the standards and expectations for his position. He is always willing to take on extra duties and does so with a smile.
During the summer, Doyle collected and turned in six pallets of outdated curriculum and library books, creating much-needed space for new materials. He also orchestrated the movement of over 25 classrooms to accommodate the new Universal Pre-kindergarten (UPK) kits and worked with contractors to ensure the smooth setup of four new UPK classrooms.
Before the start of the school year, it was identified that another school within the Camp Lejeune Community did not have the necessary perishable and nonperishable items for the new UPK program due to the absence of a school support assistant. Doyle volunteered and started the paperwork. He collaborated with the budget officer for approval, and coordinated with the commissary to ensure the items were available. He even used his own time on a Saturday to pick up and deliver the groceries two days before the start of UPK.
With the launch of the UPK program, Johnson Primary experienced an influx of traffic during student pick-up and drop-off times. On a particularly rainy day, several parents' cars got stuck in the mud while parked in the grassy areas leading up to the school. Doyle, who was volunteering during pick-up, helped each parent free their vehicle, returning inside completely soaked and muddy but still smiling.
Doyle also steps in to assist in classrooms when the school is short-staffed, serves as a mentor to high-need learners, and takes courses on his own time to better understand and address the diverse needs of students. Additionally, he initiated a front office reading challenge at Johnson Primary.
Doyle is the epitome of excellent customer service and has proven that on a daily basis. He consistently earns high praise from his peers and supervisors. His ability to turn someone's bad day into a good one is a testament to his dedication and positive impact on the school community.
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