For Immediate Release
Date: October 14, 2022

Public Affairs Officer
Pacific Region Public Affairs Officer


(315) 652-5657

All Aboard! DoDEA Pacific ISS Summit

Tokyo, Japan —

Instructional System Specialists (ISS) and Community Superintendents from across the Pacific gathered in September at the New Sanno in Tokyo for DODEA Pacific’s ISS Summit – the first event of its kind in nearly 12 years to be held in the region.

Approximately 60 instructional leaders took part in the event, engaging in learning topics including the DoDEA Blueprint, instructional rounds, learning walkthroughs, focused collaboration, job-alike collaboration, and more! Organized by the Pacific Center for Instructional Leadership, DoDEA Director Tom Brady delivered opening remarks and learning sessions were led by Chief Academic Officer Dr. Beth Schiavino-Narvaez, Pacific Region Director for Student Excellence Lois Rapp, Headquarters Chief Curriculum & Instruction Division Chief Lori Pickel, CIL members, and fellow ISSs.

“From the beginning of time, people have always congregated to learn, sing, dance, tell stories, and grow as a civilization,” said Dr. Chris Marczak, Pacific CIL Chief. “The pandemic taught us that we can collaborate and connect online, but there is nothing like being in the room, with your own tribe, to feel the camaraderie and connection.”

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