DoD Instruction 5400.17
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Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
For Immediate Release
Date: May 14, 2024
(315) 652-5657
South Korea —
Dr. Jacob Sherwood, Pacific West District Superintendent, is pleased to announce the selection of Hetty Flanery as Instructional Systems Specialist for Assessment, Performance and Accountability.
Mrs. Flanery is excited to join the PAC-West staff to support our military connected students and their families. Mrs. Flanery was born in South Korea and raised in California when her family immigrated at the age of four. Mrs. Flanery has over 19 years in education beginning at the Marine Corps Air Station El Toro Child Development Center. She entered DoDEA in 2000 as a fifth-grade teacher at Amelia Earhart Intermediate School on Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. She has taught and served military-connected students and their families in Japan and Germany, as well as Korea. She believes in delivering excellent instruction for every student, every day, everywhere who make the sacrifice of moving with their active-duty family to duty stations across the globe.
Mrs. Flanery’s K-12 experience includes the roles and responsibilities of an elementary and high school assistant principal along with her many years of teaching. She is committed to integrating DoDEA, regional, district, and school continuous improvement plans and developing systemic improvement endeavors throughout the Pacific West District. She maintains a focus on partnering with schools so that each student can achieve their college and/or career goals.
Mrs. Flanery’s undergraduate studies were completed at the University of California Irvine, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in History and Teacher Credential in the Cross-Cultural Academic Development Program. She received her Master of Education from the University of California at Los Angeles, and her Master of Education Administration from Grand Canyon University.
Her son, who has attended DoDEA schools since kindergarten, has provided her a rich insight into the lives and needs of DoDEA students. From him, she has learned to put “relationship before rigor, grace before grades, patience before programs, and love before lessons.” Thanks to her retired Marine husband, she has had the opportunity to travel around the world as a military family member committed to life-long learning and support for all students and their families.