For Immediate Release
Date: March 4, 2021

Public Affairs Officer
Europe Regional Public Affairs Officer

+49 (0)611-143-545-1518


Ms. Allison Peltz Selected as 2021 DoDEA Europe Principal of the Year

Department of Defense Education Activity Regional Principal of the Year logo

Sembach, Germany —

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) – Europe proudly announces that Vicenza Elementary School Principal, Ms. Allison L. Peltz, has been selected as the 2021 DoDEA-Europe Principal of the Year.

“Allison’s dedication to her staff, students, parents and the Vicenza community - especially during this uniquely challenging year - is an inspiration. I congratulate her on this deserved honor,” said Dr. Dell McMullen, DoDEA Europe Director for Student Excellence.

Peltz has nearly 30 years as an instructional leader with DoDEA, having served as a teacher and principal in both Korea and Japan before moving to Europe in 2009. She has been the principal at Vicenza Elementary School since 2013.

Peltz completed her undergraduate degree at McNeese State University and earned master’s degrees from both McNees and the College of New Jersey.

The DoDEA Principal of the Year Program recognizes outstanding school principals, one in each region, who have succeeded in leading high-quality learning opportunities for students as well as demonstrating exemplary contributions to the profession. The process begins at the local level, where principals are nominated by peers, employees, parents, students or community members.

One of the Regional awardees will be selected as the DoDEA Principal of the Year, and proceed through a national association nomination process, representing DoDEA at the national level. During the year, the chosen Principal of the Year will serve as an ambassador to their profession, be provided leadership growth opportunities, and support DoDEA priorities and initiatives.

DoDEA plans, directs, coordinates, and manages Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade education programs for school-aged children of Department of Defense personnel who would otherwise not have access to a high-quality public education. DoDEA schools are located in Europe, the Pacific, Western Asia, the Middle East, Cuba, the United States, Guam, and Puerto Rico. DoDEA also provides support and resources to Local Educational Activities throughout the U.S. that serve children of military families.

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