For Immediate Release
Date: March 13, 2023

Public Affairs Officer


Wilson Selected as DoDEA Americas Principal of the Year

Ms. Wilson official photo

Fort Knox, KY —

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) Americas Region is pleased to announce Theresa Wilson, principal of Scott Intermediate School on Fort Knox, Kentucky, as the 2023 DoDEA Americas Principal of the Year.

"We are so very pleased to honor Mrs. Theresa Wilson in recognition of being named the regional Principal of the Year,” said DoDEA America’s Southeast District Superintendent Greg Bull. “We are excited to have Mrs. Wilson representing both the Americas and the Southeast District—she brings a variety of experiences and skills to the profession, and we look forward to her being able to share her strengths with others!"

Wilson is a veteran educator with 22 years of experience as a teacher and administrator for both public and private schools. Wilson began her career with DoDEA in 2009 as a 7th grade World Geography Teacher at Wassom Middle School located at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. In 2012, Wilson became the Assistant Principal at Fort Knox High School where she remained for three years. Following that, Wilson served as the Assistant Principal at Scott Middle School for one year before being named as the Assistant Principal for Van Voorhis Elementary School. She assisted in the opening of Kingsolver in 2017 to implement the 21st Century model for teaching and learning. In January 2018, Wilson was named as the Principal of Scott Middle School, which was later transitioned into Scott Intermediate School.

The DoDEA Principal of the Year Program recognizes outstanding school principals, one in each region, who have succeeded in leading high-quality learning opportunities for students as well as demonstrating exemplary contributions to the profession. The process begins at the local level, where principals are nominated by peers, employees, parents, students, or community members.


One of the Regional awardees will be selected as the DoDEA Principal of the Year, and proceed through a national association nomination process, representing DoDEA at the national level. During the year, the chosen Principal of the Year will serve as an ambassador to their profession, be provided leadership growth opportunities, and support DoDEA priorities and initiatives.

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