Career Technical Education
The DoDEA Career Technical Education (CTE) Program will empower students to acquire the necessary academic, technical, and employability skills to enter, compete, and advance in their education and career in a global economy.
What is CTE?
Career Technical Education (CTE) is an education pathway that provides students with the academic, technical, and real world knowledge, skills and experience they need to be prepared for a variety of career options. CTE gives students training and skills in many different types of careers in high growth industries such as science and technology, healthcare, and business management. CTE programs are personalized, hands-on, and let students explore different career fields. CTE is part of the middle school and high school experience, and prepares students for the full range of post-secondary opportunities, including college and careers.
CTE Students Get More from the School Experience
CTE gives learning a boost. It combines regular academic courses with career-focused courses, skill-building, mentoring, and work opportunities to give students extra preparation for college and careers. Students receive hands-on training, mentoring, and internships from employers in their community. They learn how to develop a resume and interview for a job. CTE students do better in class because the hands-on experience makes academic subjects more engaging and more interesting. This experience helps students build confidence and leadership skills to meet their goals in and out of the classroom. Overall, CTE students have a significantly greater high school graduation rate than the national average.Â
CTE Allows Students to Explore More Possibilities
CTE exposes students to careers across the 16 Career Clusters, including careers students may not be familiar with or may not have ever considered, as well as the skills required for different careers. CTE programs ensure that all students understand the vast career possibilities available to them by allowing them to explore a range of career options based on what they love to do and do well. CTE gives students opportunities to figure out what they are passionate about and want to do after high school. Students gain concrete knowledge about the educational and workforce opportunities that are available to them, both immediately and into the future, and how these educational opportunities can lead to specific careers.Â
CTE Gives Students an Extra Advantage
CTE gives students a head start on both college and careers through specialized classes, mentoring, and work experiences in fields where jobs are in demand - like health care, engineering, and information technology. CTE programs provide information on the various postsecondary options that might be available in their community, region or state, or even across the country. CTE students are exposed to labor market statistics, information on the admissions requirements, costs, financial aid options, and projected benefits of these opportunities. When young people develop valuable skills, make connections, and build a network while they are in high school, they have an inside track on a successful career.
High School Graduation Requirements and CTE Pathway Endorsements
All DoDEA graduates must complete 2 credits in Career Technical Education (.5 credit must be a Computer Technology Course) to receive a DoDEA diploma. See the complete list of DoDEA Graduation Requirements.
Did you know?
By successfully completing 3 credits in a DoDEA Career Pathway, students will earn a CTE Pathway Endorsement on their high school transcript. The CTE Pathway Endorsement shows prospective employers, scholarship boards, colleges, universities, training programs, and the military that a student has:
- Completed a comprehensive, in-depth, and applied course of study in a specialized area.
- Developed transferable work habits including self-reflection, self-direction, and perseverance through purposeful and meaningful learning experiences.
- Participated in learning opportunities that are rigorous, and connected to the world outside of the school building.

Start Planning for Your Future!
SchooLinks is DoDEA's College and Career Readiness platform that will guide our students through a series of college and career planning activities to ensure our military connected students will excel in a global society.
SchooLinks will also provide counselors, educators, and parents the opportunity to assist students in meeting college and career expectations.

DoDEA celebrates CTE Month every February as a reminder to students that Career and Technical Education programs are available to all those who want to pursue a college education; enlist in the military; or enter directly into the workforce.
Please see your school counselors and CTE teachers to learn more about CTE, Career Clusters and Pathways, earning a CTE Pathway Endorsement, and SchooLinks.