Instructional Resources K - Grade 5

McGraw Hill's Reveal Math is written to support the CCRSM standards and the three shifts in Mathematics - focus, coherence, and rigor. The curriculum combines print materials with a variety of educational technology content, interactive activities, and instructional videos. Every student has access to an online component through the McGraw Hill's website, which includes an interactive student edition, e-book, Take Another Look interactive lessons, educational math games, and a glossary.

Instructional Resources Grades 6 - 8

The middle school math program utilizes Carnegie Learning’s Middle School Math Solution, which includes MATHbook and MATHia®. This blended learning approach engages students through various learning experiences needed to understand mathematics while delivering powerful, real-time insights for teachers and administrators to ensure students are mastering the content.

Instructional Resources Grades 9 - 12

The list below represents the primary instructional resources provided by DoDEA for each high school mathematics course. Teachers are expected to use these as primary instructional resources for the implementation and application of the CCRSM in the teaching and learning of mathematics:

  • Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II: 
    • Carnegie Learning High School Math Solution, 2022 Edition. A blended approach includes MATHbook + MATHia® which work together to engage high school students with various learning experiences they need to deeply understand key mathematical concepts
  • Advanced Quantitative Reasoning: 
    • Advanced Mathematical Decision Making, 2017 Edition | The Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin
  • Discrete Mathematics A/B: 
    • Discrete Mathematics: Modeling Our World, Fourth Edition | COMAP
      Financial Algebra A/B: Financial Algebra, 2nd Edition | Cengage/National Geographic Learning | Student resources available via Schoology Courses
  • Precalculus: 
    • Precalculus with Limits, Fourth Edition | Cengage/National Geographic Learning | Student/teacher resources available at WebAssign
  • AP Calculus AB/BC: 
    • Calculus for AP | Cengage/National Geographic Learning | Student/teacher resources available at WebAssign
  • AP Statistics: 
    • Understandable Statistics: Concepts and Methods, 12th Edition | Cengage/National Geographic Learning | Student/teacher resources available at WebAssign

Professional Organizations

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
A nonprofit, nonpartisan education association with more than 100,000 members and 230 affiliated groups located throughout the United States and Canada. Founded in 1920, NCTM is dedicated to improving mathematics teaching and learning, kindergarten through high school.

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