Adopted Program Materials
SPARK, a research-based, public health organization dedicated to creating, implementing, and evaluating programs that promote lifelong wellness is the adopted program resource for grades K - 12. More information on the SPARK program can be found at the SPARK website.
Professional Associations
Penn State Social Science Research InstituteÂ
The Penn State Social Science Research Institute, is an interdisciplinary team of research faculty and staff, and creative services professionals committed to providing outstanding support to professionals who provide programs and services to military families. Their vision is to help support United States military families with practices and programs that are known to be effective based on science and evidence. A key feature of this research is the piloting of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), a framework many schools use to give targeted support to struggling students.                                                         Â
SHAPE America - National PE Standards
SHAPE America's National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education define what a student should know and be able to do as result of a highly effective physical education program.
National Initiatives
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
The Healthy Schools Program is playing a vital role in the nationwide movement to reverse the epidemic of childhood obesity by helping individual schools make changes from the ground up.
American Cancer Society
Learn the American Cancer Society's guidelines for diet and activity and find tips for a healthy lifestyle and community.
CDC- Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity
Physical Activity and Obesity (DNPAO) takes a public health approach to address the role of nutrition and physical activity in improving the public's health and preventing and controlling chronic diseases.
Healthy People 2030 challenges individuals, communities, and professionals to take specific steps to ensure that good health, as well as long life, are enjoyed by all.
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
The mission of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education is to promote academic excellence, enhance educational opportunities for all of America's children and families, and to improve the quality of teaching and learning by providing leadership, technical assistance and financial support.