Learning at Home
Parent Guide CCRSS 3-5
The College and Career Ready Standards for Science (CCRSS) enable our teachers to offer all students interactive science instruction that promotes analysis and interpretation of data, critical thinking, problem solving, and connections across science disciplines— with a high set of expectations for achievement in grades 3–5.
Parent Guide CCRSS PreK-2
The College and Career Ready Standards for Science (CCRSS) enables our teachers to offer all students interactive science instruction that promotes analysis and interpretation of data, critical thinking, problem solving, and connections across science disciplines— with a high set of expectations for achievement in grades K–2.
24/7 Science
24/7 Science (Lawrence Hall of Science) provides activities, games, quizzes for K-8 science students and professional development opportunities for teachers. Activity Collections can be browsed in their entirety or under four headings. Afterschool Kidzscience includes Bug Hunt!
Climate Kids
"Climate" describes conditions over the long term and over an entire region. Climate is the big picture. It is the big picture of temperatures, rainfall, wind and other conditions over a larger region and a longer time than weather.
FOSSweb is the official website of the active-learning science program, FOSS. Explore resources for educators and engaging activities for students and families.
Science Phenomena
TJ McKenna got his start as an animal behaviorist and is now an extreme hoarder of NGSS resources (which we know to be scarce). This may have stemmed from his undergraduate research where he conceived and designed experiments on deceptive and theft-averting behaviors of food-caching Eastern Grey Squirrels - hoarders of a different kind.
STEM Works
The STEM-Works team developed a Web portal that supports volunteers that are working in their local communities to increase science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills in our nation's youth. We are also bringing those people together as a virtual community that we will ultimately serve. If you would like to help us build STEM-Works through donations, partnerships, quality content or just have an idea you would like to share, please contact us.
Parent Guide 6th-8th Grade
The NGSS enable teachers to offer all students interactive instruction that promotes analysis and interpretation of data, critical thinking, problem solving, and connections across science disciplines— with a high set of expectations for achievement in grades 6–8.
Parent Guide 9th-12th Grade
The NGSS enable teachers to offer all students interactive science instruction that promotes analysis and interpretation of data, critical thinking, problem solving, and connections across science disciplines—with a high set of expectations for achievement in grades 9–12.