Instructional Resources Grades K-12
The list below represents the primary instructional resources provided by DoDEA for social studies instruction. Teachers are expected to use these as primary instructional resources and can supplement with additional open educational resources as appropriate by the College and Career Ready Standards for History/Social Studies.
Kindergarten - TCI Social Studies Alive! Me and My World
Grade 1 - TCI Social Studies Alive! My School and Family
Grade 2 - TCI Social Studies Alive! My Community
Grade 3 - TCI Social Studies Alive! Our Community and Beyond
Grade 4 - TCI Social Studies Alive! Regions of Our Country (DoDEA Edition) and the DoDEA-created program - This is DoDEA! The Geography and History of DoDEA
Grade 5 - TCI History Alive! The Western Hemisphere (DoDEA Edition)
6th Grade History of the Eastern World - HMH The Eastern World
7th Grade United States History I - DoDEA College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects
8th Grade United States History II - DoDEA College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects
Global Studies Ancient to 1750 CE - McGraw Hill World History and Geography
Global Studies 1750 CE to Present - McGraw Hill World History and Geography
United States History 11 - McGraw Hill U.S. History and Geography
United States Government 12 - McGraw Hill United States Government: Our Democracy
Note: AP and Elective Courses offered in Grades 9-12 also include procured instructional resources.