Accreditation is pivotal to leveraging education quality and continuous improvement. Using a set of rigorous research-based standards, the accreditation process examines the whole institution--the program, the cultural context and the community of stakeholders to determine how well the parts work together to meet the needs of learners. Through the Cognia (AdvancED) Accreditation Process, highly skilled and trained Engagement Review Teams gather first-hand evidence and information pertinent to evaluating an institution's performance against the research-based Cognia (AdvancED) Performance Standards.
Using these Standards, Engagement Review Teams assess the quality of learning environments to gain valuable insights and target improvements in teaching and learning. Cognia (AdvancED) provides Standards that are tailored for all education providers so that the benefits of accreditation are universal across the education community. Through a comprehensive review of evidence and information, the engagement review team members gain a broad understanding of institution quality. Valuable evidence and information from other stakeholders, including students, also are obtained through interviews, surveys, and additional activities. Using the Standards, the review team provides valuable feedback in the form of the Engagement Review Report to institutions which helps to focus and guide each institution's improvement journey.
Beginning in school year 2015-2016, DoDEA transitioned from school to district accreditation. School Accreditation Reports are archived in the DoDEA Accreditation Reports System (DARS), which can be access by clicking on the School Accreditation Reports tab. The District Accreditation Reports may be accessed by clicking on the links below. Accreditation historically focused on individual schools. Most often, each school determined whether it would engage in accreditation, which goals it would pursue, and what evidence would be used to determine success. Research now reveals that a district is uniquely positioned to lead and support effective improvement of each of its schools. Building on this research, Cognia (AdvancED) has developed an accreditation process specifically designed for districts. The process invites school districts and their stakeholders to collaborate in reviewing the quality of the district's systems, the success of each individual school, and their collective contribution to student learning and overall district effectiveness.
DoDEA Pacific District Accreditation Report
DoDEA Pacific West District Accreditation Report 2023
DoDEA Pacific East District Accreditation Report 2022
DoDEA Pacific South District Accreditation Report 2021
DoDEA Pacific West District Accreditation Report 2018
DoDEA Pacific East District Accreditation Report 2017
DoDEA Pacific South District Accreditation Report 2016
DoDEA Europe District Accreditation Reports
DoDEA Europe South District Accreditation Report 2024
DoDEA Europe East District Accreditation Report 2023
DoDEA Europe West District Accreditation Report 2021
DoDEA Europe South District Accreditation Report 2019
DoDEA Europe East District Accreditation Report 2018
DoDEA Americas District Accreditation Reports
DoDEA Americas Southeast District Accreditation Report 2024
DoDEA Americas Mid-Atlantic District Accreditation Report 2020
DoDEA Americas Southeast District Accreditation Report 2019
DoDEA Virtual High School Accreditation Reports
DoDEA Virtual High School Accreditation Report 2021