What happens after you report

Students, if you or your parent tells a school staff member what is going on, they will report it to the Principal, if you have not already done so. Any DoDEA employee with knowledge of adult-to-student sexual harassment must report any such incidents to the principal within 24-hours. Employees, if you contacted the EEOP Office, they will help you identify the appropriate person in the Chain of Command to report to, if you have not already done so.

Ensuring the physical and emotional safety and wellbeing of the person being harmed will be the first priority.

If what happened may be against the law, such as physical sexual assault or rape, appropriate law enforcement or installation officials will be contacted.  Suspected child abuse and juvenile-on-juvenile sexual assault will be reported to the Family Advocacy Program.

For all allegations, there will be a fair and balanced internal DoDEA-led inquiry and a decision on how to proceed will be made based upon the facts of the case, even if there is a simultaneous criminal investigation or lawful inquiry from another outside entity.

Both the person making a report of sexual harassment and the person alleged to be a harasser will be treated with respect and given a fair and equitable opportunity to be heard and present evidence in support of their position.

DoDEA investigations are confidential. If you are under age 18, you will not be asked during the investigation to face the person who you believe is harassing you. Try not to be scared. The school staff are there to support you.

Consequences for harassers

Violators of DoDEA's sexual harassment policy will be told that the behavior must stop and will have appropriate disciplinary and corrective action taken.

Students will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.

Staff members will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

Corrective actions may include oral and written apologies, training, and counseling.

Criminal investigations are handled by the appropriate outside law enforcement agency and will have their own separate consequences.

Protection from retaliation

No person shall be subjected to reprisal or harassment because they raised concerns, reported a claim, or filed a sexual harassment complaint, or testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, or other proceeding raising claims of discrimination, such as sexual harassment.  Employee reporting of an allegation of sexual harassment is a protected activity under Part 1614.103 of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations.

An individual may be subject, however, to disciplinary action or other appropriate applicable consequences for raising an allegation, or offering up evidence, they know to be false.

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