DoD Instruction 5400.17
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
EEOP is currently updating our website. Some content may be temporarily unavailable during this process. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
If you wish to file an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint, visit the E-File site here.
NOTE: If you are not wanting to file a complaint but simply asking a question, please contact EEOP at this email address:
The DoDEA EEO Office administers the informal and formal EEO Complaint Process which may be used by DoDEA employees and applicants for employment to raise issues of discrimination based on the following:
The federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) process is governed by the regulations, management directives, guidance, and case law of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), as well as applicable federal court cases. The EEO process consists of three parts, which are detailed below.
The informal process, also called EEO Counseling, provides an opportunity to define the employee’s concerns, obtain information necessary to address the issues, and attempt to resolve the issues at the lowest possible level. This process is administered by the Area EEOP EEO Counselors and Team Leads. You must complete EEO counseling before filing a formal complaint.
The appeal process allows complainants to appeal procedural dismissals of claims not accepted for investigation, EEOC hearing decisions and FADs to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
The EEO Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process is available throughout both the informal and formal complaint processes, if the complaint is determined to be suitable for ADR.
Alternative Dispute Resolution, commonly referred to as ADR, is a term which covers many alternatives to traditional methods for resolving conflicts or disputes. ADR has been used as a tool in resolving workplace disputes arising from poor communication, personality conflicts, or alleged discrimination. At DoDEA, ADR is offered as an alternative method for resolving workplace disputes instead of the traditional equal employment opportunity (EEO) informal counseling, or formal complaint process.
DoDEA has chosen mediation as the primary ADR method in resolving EEO disputes because it empowers the parties themselves to reach an acceptable resolution of the conflict.
Please contact our ADR Manager for more information about the ADR process.