Pacific Regional Advisory Council
Working collectively to enhance educational programs

The RAC is a formal mechanism for the DoDEA Pacific Director and representative members of key stakeholder groups to foster communication, facilitate problem solving, and provide recommendations to the Dependents Education Council (DEC) as appropriate. Members of the RAC work collectively to enhance and improve the delivery of educational programs and support services to DoDEA students.
Voting Members
- Military command representatives
- A high school student
- An elementary, middle, and high school parent/guardian/sponsor
- A School Liaison from each service
- A district superintendent
- An elementary, middle, and high school principal
Non-Voting Members
- DoDEA Pacific Region Leadership
- Federal Education Association representative
- Other Pacific Region SLOs not identified as voting members for SY
- Others as appropriate
Members rotate every two years with the exception of military command representatives.
Ms. Lois Rapp, Director, DoDEA Pacific
Student & Parent Representatives
- Ethan McClintic - Student, Yokota HS, Tokyo Japan
- Megan Viverette - ES Parent, Korea
- Jennifer Hall - HS Parent, Okinawa
- Vacant - MS Parent, Japan
- Michael Reilly - Guam School Board
Military Command Representatives
- Col. Seth Graves - US Forces Japan, J1
- Mr. Michael Arnold - US Forces Korea, J1
- CDMCM William Webster - Joint Region Marianas
School Liaison Representatives
- Robert Chance - Air Force, Okinawa
- Barbara Askey - Navy, Guam
- Melody N. Hill - Army, Okinawa
- Diana Mizell - Marine Corps, Japan
DoDEA & Educator Representatives
- Todd Schlitz - PAC Region Chief of Staff
- Christopher Marczak - PAC Region CIL
- Jacquelin Ferguson - Superintendent, PAC East District
- Mary Mullins - Principal, PAC South District
- Shenae Wiley - Principal, PAC West District
- Kira Hurst - Principal, PAC East District
- James Adair - Teacher & FEA Rep, Japan
DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1358.01
“School Boards, Advisory Committees, and Dependents Education Council”