Parent Pathways and Resources


DoDEA, as one of only two Federally operated school systems, is responsible for planning, directing, coordinating, and managing prekindergarten through 12th grade educational programs on behalf of the Department of Defense (DoD). DoDEA is globally positioned, operating 161 accredited schools in 9 districts located in 11 foreign countries, 7 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico.

Section 589 of Public Law 118-31, The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024, formally codified DoDEA’s commitment to provide transparency and accountability to parents, guardians, and sponsors by prescribing eight (8) specific rights, listed below.

Rights of Parents of Children Attending DoDEA Schools

Parents, guardians, and sponsors of children who attends a school operated by DoDEA have the following rights:

  1. The right to review the curriculum of the school.
  2. The right to be informed if the school or the Department of Defense Education Activity alters the school’s academic standards or learning benchmarks.
  3. The right to meet with each teacher of their child not less than twice during each school year.
  4. The right to review all instructional materials used by their students.
  5. The right to inspect a list of the books and other reading materials contained in the library of the school.
  6. The right to address the school advisory committee or the school board.
  7. The right to data about the school’s discipline policy and any disciplinary action that results in a suspension or expulsion from the school, unless such disclosure is prohibited by law.
  8. The right to information about any plans to eliminate gifted and talented programs or accelerated coursework at the school.

Each of the above hyperlinks will provide more information about the use of the rights specified, or will link to the relevant DoDEA policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

    The curriculum of the DoDEA school system is reviewable through the Curriculum and Instruction page on the DoDEA website and provides the curriculum resources for each content area.

    Any changes made to the academic standards or learning benchmarks are posted to the Assessment page on the DoDEA website. Parents, guardians, and sponsors can access the DoDEA contracted, and systemwide, instructional resources for the current school year on that website. These instructional resources are put in place to support the teaching and learning of DoDEA’s College and Career Ready Standards and serve as DoDEA’s primary instructional resources.

    The DoDEA calendar provides for one required parent-teacher conference per year (near the end of Quarter 1 or start of Quarter 2) and allows for teachers to meet with parents again upon request at the end of Quarter 4. DoDEA policy requires teachers to post academic performance in the DoDEA Student Information System with allows for continuous two-way communication between teacher, parent, and student.

    The DoDEA budget is available as required by federal law for public access, the information is posted by the DoDEA Comptroller

    Professional Development materials are available in every District Office and Center for Instructional Leadership (CIL) for review, upon request. Professional Learning materials are developed for trained professionals who must adhere to the standards of their educator license, specific content areas and the diverse learning requirements for their students. Parents can review DoDEA teaching categories and requirements for all educator positions.

    Parents, teachers, students, administrators, and military commanders share the responsibility to support the schools through advisory councils and boards. Participation in advisory councils and boards enhances educational programs and services and the overall quality of life shared by all DoDEA communities. Please visit your school's website for more information on participating in your local school advisory committee or school board.

    The DoDEA Student Handbook includes information on the systems discipline policy including the "do's and don'ts" of student behavior and the process in the event of a violation. The request for information about violent activity is handled on a case-by-case basis because of the federal legal requirements to protect PII for the accused and victims, as well as the sensitive nature of violent activity involving minors.

    Program review and student interest in course offerings are regular aspects of the school administration planning cycle for DoDEA. For planned course offerings and adjustment, DoDEA uses a phase in/phase out method so that enrolled students may sustain course sequence through to completion. If, or when, this decision is made, parents, guardians, and sponsors will be notified by the individual school administration.



    (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—Chapter 108 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 2164 the following new section: 

    § 2164a. Rights of parents of children attending schools operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity 

     ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The parent of a child who attends a school operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity has the following rights: 

    ‘‘(1) The right to review the curriculum of the school. 

    “(2) The right to be informed if the school or the Department of Defense Education Activity alters the school’s academic standards or learning benchmarks.

    ‘‘(3) The right to meet with each teacher of their child not less than twice during each school year.

    ‘‘(4) The right to review all instructional materials used by their students. 

    ‘‘(5) The right to inspect a list of the books and other reading materials contained in the library of the school. 

    ‘‘(6) The right to address the school advisory committee or the school board. 

    ‘‘(7) The right to data about the school’s discipline policy and any disciplinary action that results in a suspension or expulsion from the school, unless such disclosure is prohibited by law. 

    ‘‘(8) The right to information about any plans to eliminate gifted and talented programs or accelerated coursework at the school. 

    ‘‘(b) DISCLOSURES AND NOTIFICATIONS.—Consistent with the parental rights specified in subsection (a) and except as provided by subsection (c), a school operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity shall— 

    ‘‘(1) post on a publicly accessible website of the school— 

    ‘‘(A) the curriculum for each course and grade level; 

    ‘‘(B) the academic standards or other learning benchmarks used by the school; and 

    ‘‘(C) notice of any proposed revisions to such standards or benchmarks and a copy of any such revisions; 

    ‘‘(2) provide the parent of a child attending the school with— 

    ‘‘(A) the opportunity to meet in person with each teacher of their child not less frequently than twice during each school year at a time mutually agreed upon by both parties; and 

    ‘‘(B) notice of such opportunity at the beginning of each school year; 

    ‘‘(3) provide parents access to the online school library catalog; 

    ‘‘(4) notify parents in a timely manner of any plans to eliminate gifted and talented programs or accelerated coursework at the school; 

    ‘‘(5) except as provided by paragraph (6) or subsection (c), notify parents of any medical examinations or screenings the school may administer to their child and receive written consent from parents for any such examination or screening prior to conducting the examination or screening; 

    ‘‘(6) in the event of an emergency that requires a medical examination or screening without time for parental notification, promptly notify parents of such examination or screening and provide an explanation of the emergency that prevented notification prior to such examination or screening; and   

    ‘‘(7) notify parents of any medical information that will be collected on their child, receive written  parental consent prior to collecting such information, and provide parents an opportunity to inspect such information at the parent’s request. 

    ‘‘(c) EXCEPTIONS.—(1) Paragraph (5) of subsection (a) and paragraph (3) of subsection (b) shall not be effective until the day that is two years after the date of the enactment of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024. 

    ‘‘(2) A requirement set forth in subsection (b) shall not apply in a case in which the requirement would violate any applicable provision of a Federal or State statute or regulation. 

    ‘‘(d) SCHOOL ADVISORY COMMITTEES AND BOARDS.—Not less frequently than four times per year, a school advisory committee or school board for a school operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity shall provide parents of children attending the school with the opportunity to address the advisory committee or school board on any matters relating to the school or the educational services provided to their children. 

    ‘‘(e) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: 

    ‘‘(1) The term ‘medical examination or screening’— 

    ‘‘(A) means a physical examination provided by a health care provider; and 

    ‘‘(B) does not include an evaluation by, or an encounter with, non-clinical school staff. 

    ‘‘(2) The term ‘school’ means— 

    ‘‘(A) a Department of Defense domestic dependent elementary or secondary school, as described in section 2164 of this title; or 

    ‘‘(B) any elementary or secondary school or program for dependents operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity.’’. 

    (b) REPORT.—Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and consistent with section 2164a of title 10, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the parental rights specified in such section. The report shall include, with respect to the schools operated by the Department of Defense Education Activity, an explanation of— 

    (1) how and where a parent may access information about their rights; 

    (2) the accessibility of that information; 

    (3) how such schools inform parents of their rights and the means to access such rights; and 

    (4) the uniformity of parental rights across such schools. 

    Parent Resources

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