DoDEA Europe South District operates 16 schools in 4 countries across 2 time zones. There are nearly 900,000 military connected children of all ages worldwide, of which more than 5,000 are enrolled in DoDEA Europe South District schools and served by thousands of teachers and educational aides. All schools within DoDEA are fully accredited by U.S. accreditation agencies.

Find Your School

School Name Community Phone Number Fax Number
Ankara EHS Ankara Community Schools +90 312-422-7000
Aviano ES Aviano Community Schools +39 0444-106-0172 +39 0434-66-0921
Aviano MHS Aviano Community Schools +39 0444-106-0192 +39 0434-652410
Bahrain ES Bahrain Community Schools +973 1771-9829 973-1772-8583
Bahrain MHS Bahrain Community Schools +973 1772-7828 973-1772-8583
Livorno EMS Livorno Community Schools +39 0444-106-0212
Naples ES Naples Community Schools +39 0444-106-0232


Name Position Phone
Registrar Enrollment Contacts +39 (0)444-61-8512
Assistive Technology Specialist ISS Assistive Technology
Jessica Cavalier Secretary Naples Field Office +39 (0)444-71-6801
DSO Secretary Secretary +39 (0)444-71-6612
Facilities Facilities Manager +39 (0)444-71-6626
HR Specialist HR Specialist +49 (0)611-143-1999
Labor/Employee Relations +49 (0)611-143-1579
Logistics Logistics Manager +39 (0)444-71-6630
Safety & Security Officer Force Protection Officer +39 (0)444-71-6636
Special Education Special Education +39 (0)444-61-8502
Transportation Transportation +39 (0)444-71-6625
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