DoDEA Stakeholder Feedback Survey (SFS)
The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) conducted a pilot to test and validate a new Stakeholder Feedback Survey (SFS).
The SFS provides valuable feedback to DoDEA from its most important customers - students and parents - about the quality of education provided and areas needing improvement.
The pilot survey for parents was open from May 6, 2024 until the last day of school.
Separate surveys were administered to students and parents. Parents with multiple students enrolled in a DoDEA school had the option to complete an additional survey for each student after submitting the first survey. All participation was voluntary and anonymous.
The pilot 2024 DoDEA Stakeholder Feedback Survey was voluntary and anonymous. Maximum participation was encouraged to obtain reliable and valid data, which is an important part of receiving final survey approval from the Department of Defense and the Office of Management and Budget and moving to full implementation for school year 2024-2025.
The pilot survey is closed.
Participation took approximately 15-20 minutes.
Thank you for completing the pilot survey and helping DoDEA become the best school system it can be.
What is the SFS?
- The SFS provides a forum for parents and students in DoD schools to have their opinions heard and communicate their level of satisfaction with issues related to DoD schools.
- The SFS is part of DoDEA’s continual efforts to improve quality of education for DoD military and civilian students.
Who can Participate?
- Sponsors or spouses with children in PK -12th grade. Parents with multiple students enrolled in a DoDEA school will have the option to complete an additional survey for each student after submitting the first survey.
- Students in grades 4-12.
- The survey is voluntary and anonymous.
How does the SFS help DoDEA?
- Results allow schools, districts and regions to make improvements in the educational services offered
- Results assist schools in determining strengths and areas needing improvement
- Opinions are extremely important and contribute to the future decisions DoDEA educators will make about schools
How is the SFS Constructed?
- Survey questions cover the following broad areas: academic instruction, sense of belonging, school safety, and overall satisfaction.
- Survey questions for parents and students were taken from the 5Essentials Survey by the University of Chicago and broadly used by school systems across the nation.