The Department of Defense Education Activity is pleased to announce the following DoDEA Employee of the Quarter recipients.

Past Recipients

Joseph Bianco was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Fourth Quarter of 2024.

Mr. Joseph J. Bianco

Fourth Quarter
Facility Operations Specialist
Joseph Bianco, a facility operations specialist, oversees seven DoDEA schools in the United Kingdom and the Community Superintendent’s Office at Feltwell Air Base, providing invaluable support.
Martin Labs was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Fourth Quarter of 2024.

Mr. Martin L. Labs

Fourth Quarter
Administrative Officer
Martin Labs serves as the administrative officer at Spangdahlem Elementary School in Germany. His exceptional contributions and unwavering commitment have significantly enhanced the school’s administrative operations and climate.
Employee of the Quarter. Third Quarter 2024

Ms. Julia Carroll

Third Quarter
Hotline Coordinator
Julia Carroll distinguished herself through exceptional meritorious performance as the program manager for the DoDEA Hotline Program, as well as assuming the role of DoDEA Office of Inspector General record manager, contract representative, and acting Pacific IG investigator.
Employee of the Quarter. Third Quarter 2024

Mr. Damon Doyle

Third Quarter
School Support Assistant
Damon Doyle serves as the school support assistant at Johnson Primary School in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He continues to make the school a better place by going above and beyond the standards and expectations for his position. He is always willing to take on extra duties and does so with a smile.
Richard Stone was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Second Quarter of 2024.

Mr. Richard Stone

Second Quarter
Administrative Officer
As the administrative officer at Sembach Elementary School in Germany, Richard Stone serves as the Sembach 21st Century Elementary School construction project liaison.
Jason Davies was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Second Quarter of 2024.

Mr. Jason Davies

Second Quarter
Facilities Operations Specialist
As the lead facility operations specialist for the Europe South District, Jason Davies is directly responsible for the three Vicenza Schools, the District Office, and the Annex.
William Bidinger was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the First Quarter of 2024.

Mr. William C. Bidinger

First Quarter
School Support Assistant
As the school support assistant at Netzaberg Elementary School, William Bidinger has always taken on additional duties and performed beyond the standards or expectations of his position.
David Kretz was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the First Quarter of 2024.

Mr. David M. Kretz

First Quarter
As a program analyst with the Europe Region Office, David Kretz's expertise spans a broad spectrum of disciplines, including logistics, manpower, and education policy.
Jerry Mason was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Fourth Quarter of 2023.

Mr. Jerry Mason

Fourth Quarter
Administrative Officer
Mr. Mason has demonstrated outstanding service to the Andersen Elementary and Middle Schools since school year 2022-23. He has gone the extra mile to provide outstanding support in this very demanding role.
Joy Medley was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Fourth Quarter of 2023.

Ms. Joy Medley

Fourth Quarter
Education Branch Education Policy Specialist
Ms. Medley has provided exceptional guidance to the SAF program by conducting in-person technical assistance to 29 schools, seven school districts, and three regions on the administrative and fiscal management of the program and the Educational Products Educational Services online accounting system.
Larry Tulk, program analyst assigned to DoDEA Europe Regional Office, was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Third Quarter of 2023.

Mr. Larry A. Tulk

Third Quarter
Program Analyst
Mr. Tulk provided excellent administrative support to the Europe director for student excellence (DSE) and Europe chief of staff (COS) while simultaneously supporting the members of the Center for Instructional Leadership.
Robert Dean, administrative officer assigned to Smith Elementary School and Baumholder Middle High School, was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Third Quarter of 2023.

Mr. Robert J. Dean

Third Quarter
Administrative Officer
As the administrative officer assigned to both Smith Elementary School and Baumholder Middle High School (at two different installations), Mr. Dean balances not only his own duties but is willing to step in and cover manpower shortages.
Mr. Wilfredo Salinas, Facility Operations Specialist (FOS) at USAG Camp Humphreys in Korea was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Second Quarter of 2023.

Mr. Wilfredo S. Salinas Jr.

Second Quarter
Facilities Operations Specialist
Will has been invaluable to the recovery efforts following the damage from Super Typhoon Mawar. His efforts directly ensured the school was ready and enabled the safe and successful Guam High School graduation.
Katherine Cole, Europe East District Secretary (OA) was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the Second Quarter of 2023.

Ms. Katherine M. Cole

Second Quarter
Administrative Secretary
Ms. Cole was the key employee leading up to the Cognia Accreditation visit in May 2023. Ms. Cole was in weekly communication to effectively coordinate with the Cognia Lead Evaluator on visit logistics and details. She prepared installation access requests for 30 visitors as well as the schedule for the Lead Evaluators and District Superintendent to visit all 31 schools.
Ms. Robin Jamison, Equal Employment Specialist at the Europe Region Office was selected as the Employee of the Quarter for the First Quarter of 2023.

Ms. Robin Jamison

First Quarter
As the Europe region equal employment specialist, Robin Jamison demonstrated exceptional dedication when she volunteered to take on significant additional work when the EEO Counselor in the Pacific retired the end of December 2022, leaving her as the sole EEO Counselor for two separate geographical areas; her workload instantly increased by 100%.
Mr. Todd King, School Support Assistant at Sembach Elementary School in Germany was selected as DoDEA's Employee of the Quarter for the First Quarter of 2023.

Mr. Todd King

First Quarter
School Support Assistant
As the school support assistant with Sembach Elementary School, Todd King expertly managed an annual $33,000 school budget, meticulously reviewing and executing 25 government purchase card requirements while meeting strict DoDEA 1st quarter fiscal restraints. He provided supply technician support to Vogelweh Elementary and Kaiserslautern Middle School by purchasing $15,000 in goods, ensuring daily supply and service contracts were fulfilled with zero interruption, including sustainment for multiple Sure Start/PSCD programs due to supply tech manning shortfalls.
Deangelo Galang

DeAngelo Galang

Fourth Quarter
Pacific East ISS
Congratulations to Mr. DeAngelo Y. Galang on being selected EoQ4 2022! As an ISS for the DoDEA Pacific Region Office, Mr. Galang has gone beyond his traditional role, serving on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and DoDEA leadership team, which oversees the Youth Exchange Program.
Roberta Scalise

Roberta Scalise

Fourth Quarter
Student Information Assistant
Congratulations to Ms. Roberta C. Scalise on being selected EoQ4 2022! As the OA for Kaiserslautern MS, Ms. Scalise serves as the first person the community interacts with at KMS. Her attentiveness and commitment to the DoDEA mission bring great credit upon herself, DoDEA, and the Department of Defense.
Shanea Ruh

Dr. Shanea Ruh

Third Quarter
Office of the Registrar, Education Policy and Operations Division Student Information System Specialist
Congratulations to Shanea Ruh on being selected EoQ3 2022! Dr. Ruh, A student information systems specialist, is responsible for ensuring that the DoDEA SIS meets customer needs across HQ, regions, districts, and schools.
Ann Hudgins thumbnail

Ann Hudgins

Third Quarter
Europe East Support Administrative Assistant
Congratulations to Ann Hudgins on being selected EoQ3 2022! As a admin support specialist for Europe East, Ms. Hudgins supports 31 schools with their secretarial and registration needs.
Nguyen Xuan Uribe

Nguyen Xuan Uribe

Second Quarter
Technology & Innovation Division and the Professional Learning Division Program Analyst
Congratulations to Nguyen Xuan Uribe on being selected Employee of the Quarter for Q2 2022! As a program analyst for the Technology & Innovation Division and the Professional Learning Division at DoDEA Headquarters, Ms. Uribe is known for her efficiency, positive attitude, and willingness to go above and beyond expectations.
Samuel Champlin

Samuel Champlin

Second Quarter
Lead IT Specialist
Congratulations to Samuel D. Champlin on being selected Employee of the Quarter for Q2 2022! As a lead IT Specialist for the Pacific Region, Champlin leads by example, setting the standard for excellent customer support and provides IT expertise to his peers across the DoDEA IT and Customer Support Services teams.
Joseph Osmack

Joseph Osmack

First Quarter
Administrative Officer
Congratulations to Joseph Osmack on being selected EoQ1 2022! As Administrative Officer for Camp Lejeune Schools in North Carolina, Mr. Osmack supervises the School Supply Assistant (SSA), School Registrar, School Secretary, and School Office Automation Clerk. He has kept all 3 schools functioning at exceptionally high levels as they all experienced significant transitions and vacancies in key positions.
Albert Islas

First Quarter 2022

First Quarter
DoDEA System Wide Security Specialist
Congratulations to Albert Islas on being selected EoQ1 2022! As a DoDEA-wide Security Specialist based out of Alexandria, VA, Mr. Islas is responsible for working with Region/District leadership to ensure Child Abuse Report files are updated and accurate. He is also responsible for the review and security determination of Serious Incident Reports across all of DoDEA.
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