This page features a collection of Non-DoD Schools Program (NDSP) related resources. Start typing a keyword or phrase in the search field below, or select a topic from the tags dropdown to get started.

DoDEA AI 1356.01 - DoDEA Family Advocacy Program Process for Reporting Incidents of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect

This Issuance establishes guidance, implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides reporting procedures for all Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) employees for working cooperatively with the Department of Defense (DoD), the military installation Family Advocacy Program (FAP), and the appropriate local child welfare services (CWS) agency to address suspected or alleged incidents of child abuse and neglect. This Issuance also identifies mandated reporters within DoDEA; defines intrafamilial and extrafamilial child abuse; and clarifies reporting requirements for DoDEA personnel making reports of alleged child abuse and neglect abuse occurring both within and outside of DoDEA schools.

Government Accountability Office (GAO) Domestic Abuse Prevention, Response, and Oversight Enhancement Recommendations for the Department of Defense

This report examines, among other objectives, the extent to which (1) DOD has met statutory requirements to collect and report complete data on reports of domestic abuse, and describes how many incidents were recorded by DOD in fiscal years 2015-2019; (2) DOD and the military services have implemented and overseen domestic abuse prevention and response activities in accordance with DOD policy; and (3) the military services have developed domestic abuse training for key personnel that meets DOD requirements. GAO provides recommendations to DOD and the military services to improve their domestic abuse prevention and response, as well as their oversight of these activities.

H.R. 5212 - Military Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Act

Military Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Act - Establishes in the Department of Defense (DOD) an Office of the Victims' Advocate to facilitate access to services for victims of domestic or family violence, sexual assault, and stalking in the military.

NDSP Orientation

An overview of the important policies, procedures, and guidelines for the NDSP.

SchooLinks Toolkit

Tools to help students and parent navigate our premiere college and career readiness resource.

Teen Suicide Prevention: You Are Not Alone - Mayo Clinic (Video)

In this video created by Mayo Clinic, teens describe common signs that a teen is considering suicide and provide encouragement for communicating directly and immediately for support and safety. It also Includes suggestions for what to say to a teen who may be at risk for suicide and ways to keep them safe. Things can get better.

Virginia Department of Social Services - Child Protective Services

The Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) develops statewide public awareness and education programs and administrates state and federal grants to prevent abuse and neglect. Additionally, VDSS operates a statewide CPS Hotline 24/7 to support local departments of social services by receiving reports of child abuse and neglect and referring them to the appropriate local department of social services. The CPS Hotline is staffed by trained Protective Service Hotline Specialists.
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