Children follow the same development pattern (e.g., they learn to crawl before they learn to walk), but they have different growth rates (e.g., one may talk at age two, another at age three). In DoDEA, your child is seen as an individual with his/her uniquely timed growth pattern. The early learning programs in DoDEA integrate the curriculum lessons with adult and peer interactions to align with the developmental level of each child. All programs and services provide a safe and nurturing environment that encourages a child’s growth and development. The learning experiences are meaningful and relevant, helping children to make connections between what is being taught and their own life and experiences. Thus, when you visit a DoDEA early learning environment, you’ll see educators using familiar objects and providing experiences similar to those you do at home. Making connections between school experiences and home helps children accept the challenges of new learning.
An essential part of early development depends upon a child’s opportunities to be involved in his/her environment. Children are encouraged to explore, investigate, and respond to a wide range of materials in their learning environments and in their home environment. DoDEA’s Sure Start Program, Prekindergarten (PK) program, and Preschool Services for Children with Disabilities (PSCD) are based on a hands-on, interactive, interests-based approach. The DoDEA standards are embedded in the investigations and experiences of prekindergarten classroom interest areas, including Dramatic Play, Sand and Water, Toys and Games, Technology, Library, Art, Blocks, Music and Movement, Cooking, Outdoors, and Discovery.
Developmentally appropriate prekindergarten learning environments encourage growth of children’s:
- Self-esteem,
- Sense of community,
- Independence, and
- Individual strengths.
Young children come to school eager to learn and possessing innate curiosity. Prekindergarten children begin to develop control of their own behavior through the guidance and support of warm, caring adults. Educators will provide what children need to become resilient, grow physically, and intellectually though a centers-based approach, which is exhibited in the following ways:
- Children have access to a variety of experiences throughout the day, such as block building, dramatic play, picture books, paints and other art materials, exploration with sand and water, music and movement, cooking, and table toys, such as pegboards and puzzles.
- Educators work with individual children, small groups, and the whole group at different times during the day.
- Children’s work is displayed in the learning environment (e.g., children’s original artwork, their writing with inventive spelling, dictated stories) to honor their individuality and foster a sense of accomplishment.
- Play is an important vehicle for developing self-regulation and promoting language, cognition, and interpersonal skills.
- Assessment in the learning environment is ongoing, authentic, and used for planning, addressing individual children’s needs, and monitoring progress.
- A prekindergarten child’s growth and development are advanced through the teaching of the DoDEA College and Career Ready Standards using a balance of teacher- and child-directed learning, coupled with the adopted curriculum.
Prekindergarten is a full-day, standards-based program that serves all eligible dependents and families in most locations throughout DoDEA. (UPK implementation phases.) Prekindergarten programs implement a comprehensive curriculum promoting child development and learning in the developmental domains and content areas. DoDEA PK programs are developmentally appropriate, follow an adopted curriculum, and provide safe, caring, learning environments which engage your children in intentional learning experiences.
Enrollment Eligibility
Prekindergarten is a program for DoDEA-eligible dependents who meet the four year old age requirement (must turn four by September 1 of the current school year).
Sure Start is a full-day program that service eligible military children and families living overseas in Ansbach, Ramstein, or Wiesbaden, Germany. In addition to offering a high-quality educational program that reflects best practices in the field, Sure Start also provides health and nutrition, and parent involvement services. Close collaboration between families, schools, and the installation community is viewed as essential and a required part of the program. Current adopted DoDEA College and Career Ready Standards and curriculum materials are implemented in Sure Start learning environments.
Enrollment Eligibility
Sure Start is a program for command-sponsored four year old dependents (must turn four year old by September 1 of the enrolling school year). Children must quality for Sure Start based on the rank of the sponsor: E1-E4 or civilian rank equivalent is the first priority, E5 or civilian rank equivalent is the second priority, E6-E7 or civilian rank equivalent is the third priority, and E8-E9 or civilian rank equivalent is the fourth priority. Additional selection criteria may be applied. See the registrar or Sure Start teachers at Ansbach, Ramstein, or Wiesbaden for information.
Preschool Services for Children with Disabilities (PSCD) offers eligible young children with disabilities specially designed instruction, support, and services to meet their identified individualized learning needs. Current adopted DoDEA College and Career Ready Standards and curriculum materials for preschool are used to support the implementation of each child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Curriculum and instruction includes focus on development of individual skills, such as expressive/receptive communication, language development, motor skills, and social skill development.
The purpose of special education services is to enable students to successfully develop to their fullest potential by providing a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as implemented by DoD Instruction 1342.12, “Provision of Early Intervention and Special Education Services to Eligible DoD Dependents.”
Enrollment Eligibility
Preschool Services for Children with Disabilities (PSCD) are provided for children beginning at age three who demonstrate an unexpected delay in developmental functioning when compared with the functioning of a non-disabled children of the same chronological age or who has been identified as having a specific disability. Eligibility for PSCD is determined through a comprehensive evaluation process that includes standardized evaluation instruments and is confirmed by observations and professional judgement of early intervention or related services professionals.
DoDEA does not offer programs for three year olds outside of PSCD. For typically developing children, DoDEA prekindergarten programs begin at age four.
Additional information: DoDEA Special Education Services