DoDEA believes in a balanced approach to early learning instruction that includes child-directed and teacher-directed learning experiences. In the learning environment, children experience learning wherein educators explicitly plan for academic learning through play. Children are learning content in an environment that is developmentally appropriate, engaging, and responsive. This is purposeful play or teacher-guided play with learning objectives that allow for children to explore and investigate with educator guidance. Children’s learning experiences allow them to fully engage with content (math, literacy, science, social studies, and the arts) as required by the College and Career Ready Standards for Preschool.
Imagine a class store in the dramatic play area. As the sales clerk, children write out receipts and create bills for shoppers. As a customer, a child may make a shopping list, sort foods, or count and analyze to see if they can use the express checkout lane. The shopper and clerk will probably exchange money during the purchase. The play situations replicate real life and the learning is meaningful. Children practice listening, speaking, thinking, problem solving, and more during play.