Achieving Our Goals

Blueprint for Continuous Improvement

Goal 1: Student Excellence

Challenge and prepare each student to maximize his or her academic growth and well-being for college, career, and life

  • Key Result Indicator
    All DoDEA students will show appropriate growth within an academic year.

Goal 2: School Excellence

Develop and sustain each school to be high-performing within a culture of innovation, collaboration, continuous improvement and caring relationships

  • Key Result Indicator
    DoDEA excels in providing rigorous curriculum and instruction as measured by teacher student interactions that demonstrate high levels of engagement, and the extent to which teachers provide challenging opportunities to learn in the classroom.

Goal 3: Talent Excellence

Recruit, develop, empower and retain a high performing work force that reflects our students

  • Key Results Indicator
    The performance of all DoDEA employees is rated fully successful or outstanding.

Goal 4: Organizational Excellence

Build an enduring, accountable, and responsive organization that provides appropriate resources, direction, and support to accomplish the mission

  • Key Results Indicator
    DoDEA will make statistically significant improvements in the organizational capacity levels in planning, communication, IT infrastructure, and customer service.
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