Student Excellence
Learning Experiences for All Students
To meet the needs of its student population, DoDEA students must be provided with learning experiences. This will allow all students to flourish and reach their highest academic and developmental potential.
The first step in this process is leveraging appropriate student data to better understand what standards they have mastered and where they might need additional support. Under this Strategic Initiative, DoDEA will monitor summative and formative assessment data through the DoDEA Comprehensive Assessment System (DoDEA CAS) to further advance student learning. One key component this Strategic Initiative is reviewing and incorporating the recommendations of the Balanced Assessment Working Group. This group collaboratively develop recommendations regarding the next iteration of DoDEA’s balanced assessments system and instructional supports to enable educators and leaders to make data-informed instructional and leadership decisions. The data will be used in the classroom to provide students with rigorous instruction and tiered supports.
Successful Transition to College, Career, and Life
DoDEA has made significant progress toward identifying career pathways and developing programs to help students transition to college, career, and life. DoDEA will continue to ensure that students at all grade levels are provided with the academic foundation, social and emotional skills, and counseling services necessary to be ready for college or a career.
Another key avenue for supporting students in their next steps is through the partnerships DoDEA maintains with the communities we serve. Our partnerships with students, families, commands, universities, and local businesses enable us to impact not only those students who attend DoDEA schools, but all military-connected students.

Goal 1- Strategic Initiative 1.1:
Learning Experiences for All Students — To provide opportunities for students in a safe and secure learning environment, we will implement programs and supports to address achievement gaps between racial, ethnic, ability, and other identified groups.
Critical Success Factors:
- Data-Informed Instruction: Provide all students with instruction that is aligned to rigorous standards and is differentiated based on an appropriate assessment system and the needs of individual learners.
- Differentiated Instruction for All Students: To directly meet each student’s academic and developmental potential, we will provide rigorous instruction and tiered support informed by a balanced assessment system for all students at all schools, regardless of location or size.
Goal 1- Strategic Initiative 1.2:
Successful Transition to College, Career, and Life — Develop comprehensive programs to support students throughout their primary and secondary education for their transition into college, career, and life.
Critical Success Factors:
- Support for Building Student Resilience: In order to develop the broad set of skills required for navigating college, career, and life for all students, we will deliver comprehensive programming and support partnerships that build student resilience skills.
- Promote, Foster, and Support Partnerships for Military-Connected Students with the Military Community, and Families: To provide multidimensional opportunities for military-connected students, we will support partnerships that expand overall outreach, improve educational and business opportunities, and bolster academic continuity for military-connected students.