DoD Instruction 5400.17
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
The Blueprint for Continuous Improvement is DoDEA’s strategic plan for school years 2018/19 through 2023/24. This document is the fifth volume of the Blueprint.
The Blueprint for Continuous Improvement is DoDEA’s strategic plan for school years 2018/19 through 2023/24. This document is the fourth volume of the Blueprint.
The Blueprint for Continuous Improvement (Blueprint) is DoDEA’s strategic plan for school years 2018/19 through 2023/24. This document is the third annual update to DoDEA’s Blueprint for Continuous Improvement.
The Blueprint for Continuous Improvement is DoDEA’s strategic plan for 2018 through 2023. The title reflects the philosophy that drives DoDEA’s strategic direction. A blueprint is an actionable plan that communicates and guides the work of all involved in a project.
The Blueprint for Continuous Improvement (Blueprint) is DoDEA’s strategic plan for school years 2018/19 through 2023/24. A blueprint is an actionable plan that communicates and guides the work of
In 1995, DoDEA developed its first Community Strategic Plan (CSP) under the direction of Director Lillian Gonzalez, in concert with representatives of all its stakeholder groups. This plan, which guided DoDEA activities for the years 1995 through 2000, ensured that all schools work towards reaching the same priority benchmarks on the road to achieving their goals.
The first CSP identified ten goals in 14 benchmarks designed to support optimal student learning. Subsequent strategic plans years refined previous editions, targeted goals for improvement based on evolving priorities, focused on both student achievement and organizational performance needed to support teaching and learning.
All the plans contained common elements essential to the strategic planning process including, vision and mission statements, core values or beliefs, organizational goals, strategies, benchmarks and associated performance measures.
The plans were developed for a five year period. The plans are monitored and updated annually or as needed, published as numbered volumes, alignments or updates.
Strategic planning demonstrates DoDEA’s commitment to continuously improve in its efforts to educate and prepare military-connected students. An additional rationale for strategic planning is to increase collaboration with and accountability to its most important publics: military families and military communities.
DoDEA has published periodic accountability reports to communicate information to the public and to address progress in student performance, as well as resource allocations and demographics.
The current Blueprint for Continuous Improvement, under the direction of Director Thomas Brady, represents DoDEA’s next step as a learning organization. Continuous improvement is a research-based, ongoing process intended to increase overall effectiveness and make a positive, measurable impact on all stakeholders, primarily students, by focusing on and implementing three essential elements: learn and share, examine and plan, and act and evaluate. For DoDEA, this means setting and working towards ambitious goals, learning from our successes and challenges, and making improvements every day to benefit military-connected students.
Today, the practice of monitoring and updating has evolved into a process called “analyze and adjust.” A team of senior leaders carefully review data from across the school system, identify necessary adjustments, and collectively agree upon and publish appropriate adjustments in successive volumes. The adjustments in each volume are the direct result of a comprehensive assessment of DoDEA’s current environment, documented progress towards meeting the established goals, and responsiveness to DoDEA’s evolving needs.
Mon, Dec 31, 2018 | The sunset of the Community Strategic Plan for SY 2013/14- SY 2017/18 presents an important opportunity to update DoDEA’s stakeholders on the progress that has been made towards fulfilling the commitments made in the plan. This document describes the DoDEA’s progress over the past five years.
Wed, Jul 3, 2013 | DoDEA’s five-year, strategic Continuous Improvement Plan for advancing DoD’s and DoDEA’s agenda for educating and serving military-connected children. The CSP provides the organization’s vision, mission, core values, goals, the implementing strategies for each goal.
Fri, May 17, 2013 | The strategic planning process to refine the Department of Defense Education Activity’s (DoDEA’s) mission, vision, core values, goals, and performance measures was developed with the “community” as the foundation.
Wed, Apr 8, 2009 | Community Strategic Plan - A Parent's Guide outlines the role parents play in DoDEA’s Community.
Fri, Aug 22, 2008 | An Alignment to the 2006-2011 Community Strategic Plan
Tue, Aug 1, 2006 | Strategic direction for DoDEA for the years 2006-2011
Sun, Sep 1, 2002 | This document reports the work performed by the Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) for the Director, Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) in partial fulfillment of the task entitled “Assessment of DoD Education Activity Programs and Operations.”
Tue, May 1, 2001 | Strategic direction for DoDEA for the years 2001-2006
Tue, Aug 1, 1995 | The Community Strategic Plan provides an evolving framework for putting standard-driven reform in place in DoDEA. Through goals, benchmarks, strategies, and performance indicators, the plan establishes rigorous standards for DoDEA that will inspire and prepare all students for success in a dynamic, global environment.