DoD Impact Aid
The DoD Impact Aid for Military Connected School Districts program supplements the U.S. Department of Education Impact Aid program funding. The U.S. Department of Education Program provides financial assistance to eligible Local Education Agencies (LEAs; i.e., school districts) to compensate for the lost local tax base to LEAs imposed upon by federal property.
Whereas the Department of Education Impact Aid Program provides funding to compensate for all federal tax-exempt property, such as Indian lands, national parks, DoD installations and public housing, the DoD Impact Aid Program for Military Connected School Districts serves only military-connected LEAs. DoD Impact Aid is not a DoD funded or requested program, but rather an annual Congressional appropriation. DoD Impact Aid Supplemental payments may be used by the LEA without restriction, and Children with Severe Disabilities funding must be used to provide a free appropriate public education to children with disabilities.
The Department of Defense Education Activity's (DoDEA) Education Partnership and Resources is responsible for administering the DoD Impact Aid Program, consistent with its mission of developing, promoting and maintaining partnerships and communications with LEAs to improve student achievement.
The Federal Impact Aid Program at the Department of Education provides data to DoD to implement the 3 sections of the DoD Impact Aid Program:
1. Supplemental Program
The DoD Impact Aid Supplemental Program provides financial assistance to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) that are heavily impacted by the presence of military dependent students. LEAs that had at least 20% average daily attendance of military dependent students in the preceding school year, as counted on their Federal Impact Aid application, are eligible to receive funding on an annual basis when appropriated by Congress. Funds provided by the DoD Impact Aid Program are reimbursable in nature; therefore, they may be used by the LEA without restriction.
In May of each year, eligible LEAs will be contacted by DoDEA Impact Aid at and will be asked to submit a payment enrollment request via ServiceNow at LEAs will be contacted by email on or before May 22nd. Payment enrollment requests must be submitted to DoDEA by June 20th via ServiceNow.
Verify that your LEA is registered and active in The banking information provided within must be accurate to avoid a delay in payment. Please contact DoDEA at with any questions regarding banking information or payment.
The Department of Education (ED) provides the data used to determine LEA eligibility for the Supplemental Impact Aid Program. ED provides this information to DoDEA who in turn works with the ED to clarify or resolve any funding eligibility issues.
2. DoD Impact Aid for Children with Disabilities Program
The DoD Impact Aid for Children with Severe Disabilities Program (CWSD) reimburses Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) for money previously spent on military dependent children with severe disabilities.
In May of each year, eligible LEAs will be contacted by the DoDEA Impact Aid Office ( and will be asked to submit an application only if they have applied for and been approved to receive Federal Impact Aid under Section 8003 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (20 U.S.C. 7703). The CWSD Program is available to LEAs that have at least two military dependent children with severe disabilities that meet certain special education cost criteria. Only children of active-duty military personnel, including active-duty Guard and Reserve, are eligible. This includes children with a parent who is an official of, and accredited by, a foreign government and is a foreign military officer.
Funds received shall be used to provide a free appropriate public education to children with disabilities.
DoDEA works with LEAs and the U.S. Department of Education to clarify or resolve any funding eligibility issues.
If your LEA received notification of eligibility to apply, please begin the application process here:
Verify that your LEA is registered and active in The banking information provided within ServiceNow must match the information found at to avoid a delay in payment. Please contact DoDEA at with any questions.
Completed applications are due July 15, 2025Â to be eligible for FY 2025 funds.
3. DoD Impact Aid for Large Scale Rebasing (BRAC) Program
When funds are appropriated by Congress, the DoD Impact Aid for Large Scale Rebasing Program provides financial assistance to LEAs that are heavily impacted by the increase or reduction in military dependent student enrollment resulting from large scale rebasing. Eligible districts have (or would have had) at least 20% military dependent students in average daily attendance in their schools, as counted on their Federal Impact Aid application for the preceding year, and have an overall increase or reduction of no less than 5% military dependent students or no less than 250 military dependent students as a direct result of large scale rebasing.
In an effort to determine that the cause of the increase or reduction of the military dependent student population results from large scale rebasing, DoDEA verifies with each Service that one of the following four actions caused the increase or decrease in the number of military and civilian dependent students:
- Global rebasing plan of the DoD.
- Activation of one or more new military units.
- The realignment of forces as a result of the base closure process (BRAC).
- Changes to the number of housing units available on a military installation.
Funding awards and levels vary according to the number of eligible LEAs and their military dependent students, and the amount of funding appropriated by Congress. Congress has not appropriated funding for this program since fiscal year 2007.
The U.S. Department of Education provides the data that is used to determine LEA eligibility for the Impact Aid for Large Scale Rebasing Program. DoDEA works with the U.S. Department of Education to clarify or resolve any funding eligibility issues.
How to Access the DoD Impact Aid Portal
The DoD Impact Aid Portal is located at
The DoD Impact Aid Portal Users Guide provides information about eligibility notices, access, and information about applicant and certifier roles within the portal.
 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Supplemental | $50 million | $50 million | $50 million | $75 million | $50 million |
Children with Severe Disabilities | $20 million | $20 million | $20 million | $20 million | $20 million |
Large Scale Rebasing | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |