DoDEA Grant Program

The DoDEA Grant Program

Our Functions

  1. Execute funding in alignment with Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200 (2 CFR 200) through an annual grant competition.
  2. Support the K-12 education of military-connected students across the United States by providing select local education agencies (LEAs) with funding to implement evidence-based solutions to meet the academic needs of the highly mobile military-connected students in their community.
  3. Provide high-quality technical assistance and compliance monitoring to active DoDEA grantee LEAs to ensure successful implementation.
  4. Build capacity of active grantee LEAs through a robust Community of Practice.
  5. Collaborate with partners to share resources and opportunities with DoDEA grantee LEAs.

Our Commitment

As a Grant Program, we strive to ensure successful implementation of research-based solutions for military-connected students across the United States. Our work empowers educators to provide students with opportunities to engage, enhance, and extend their learning. We see our work as an essential component to provide significant impact for student achievement, professional development for teachers.

Our History

The quality of K-12 education is an important criterion for retention of the military family. The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is charged with the critical responsibility and privilege of educating the children of our nation's military. Recognizing that over 1.1M military-connected students attend public schools, leveraging partnerships with school districts is paramount in influencing successful educational outcomes for military-connected students.

Consequently, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 provided DoDEA the authority to share resources with public schools that educate military-connected students. Since 2009, DoDEA has awarded 654 grants to 130 school districts in 36 states, totaling more than $763 million. These grants have impacted more than three million students, including over one million military-connected students, across the United States.



For additional information and highlights, please visit our Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center (ETAC).

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