AAPS Levels of Service

Advanced Academic Program and Services Levels of Service

Through a broad based curriculum focused on DoDEA College and Career Ready Standards, the Advanced Academic Program and Services addresses the unique needs, potentials, and strengths of each student. DoDEA is committed to providing challenging learning experiences that build on individual strengths and promote growth for all students. In order to meet the needs of a broad range of advanced learners, DoDEA offers a continuum of advanced academic services. 

Advanced Academic Program and Services adheres to the following guidelines:

  • Advanced learning needs are evident in students’ abilities and achievements that are clearly at the upper end of the distribution of abilities and achievements of students of the same age. 
  • Advanced learning needs are dynamic and constantly developing, requiring not only traditional assessments but a collection of information over time in active learning experiences to inform understanding of students’ abilities and potentialities. 
  • Advanced learning needs are nurtured through appropriate educational experiences. 
  • Advanced learning needs are exhibited across all racial, ethnic, income-level, and exceptionality groups, and are reflective of the demographics of the school. 
  • All students have access to the referral process. 
  • Advanced learning needs are enabled through development of students’ psycho-social skills as well as their cognitive skills. 
  • Early identification improves the likelihood that advanced abilities will be developed into future potentialities. 

Advanced Academic Program and Services Options

Elementary (K-5)

Through a broad based curriculum focused on DoDEA College and Career Ready Standards, the Advanced Academic Program and Services addresses the unique needs, potentials, and strengths of each student. DoDEA is committed to providing challenging learning experiences that build on individual strengths and promote growth for all students.

Level IV Services:

  • Accelerated learning experiences 
  • Differentiated core instruction of DoDEA content and standards 
  • Annual progress monitoring 
  • If appropriate, consult with counselor or psychologist to provide additional support 

Level III Services:

  • Fixed cluster grouping within grade level homerooms Shared responsibilities among AAPS RT and classroom teachers to meet advanced learning needs 
  • Pre-assessments, formative data and knowledge about students’ interest and learning needs are used to consistently: 
  • differentiate core instruction compact curriculum 
  • extend CCRS 
  • Co-teach lessons to support greater rigor and complexity in regular classroom 
  • Refer students as needed to the school counselor and/or school psychologist for group discussions, activities, and counseling to develop socio-emotional and affective needs 

Level II Services:

  • Consultation between AAPS RT and classroom teachers to meet advanced learning needs 
  • Flexible grouping 
  • After school clubs, activities, competitions 

Level I Services:

  • Critical and creative thinking lessons provided by AAPS RT in order to screen all students and develop their potential (2-4 times/yr) 
  • Enrichment opportunities for all students, organized by the classroom teacher, such as: 
  • Field trips Guest speakers 
  • Community Partnerships 

Middle School/High School - Grades 6 - 12

In School Year 2023-24, eight schools began the Phase 1 implementation of the new Middle School Advanced Academic Program and Services (AAPS). In School Year 2024-25, 21 additional schools will join the Phase 2 implementation. These schools will have: 

  • A specially trained AAPS Resource Teacher (RT) to support students in grades 6-8. 
  • All 6th grade students will take the CogAT Screener. 
  • Students may be referred for services by any educator, parent, or the student themselves. The identification process will be the same as the elementary level. 
  • Middle schools are implementing the same Levels of Service model as used in the elementary schools. 

In School Year 2025-26, Phase 3 schools will implement the new Advanced Academic Program and Services, ensuring appropriate staffing. By then, all schools with grades 6-8 will have implemented AAPS. 

High School - Grades 9 - 12

  • Advanced Placement
  • Honors Classes


Advanced Academic Program and Services RT Involvment


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