Please contact your child’s school for a referral form.
Yes – these students are ‘twice-exceptional’ (2e). Students who are identified as twice-exceptional may have learning disabilities that mask their giftedness. These students may require different identification methods and program modifications to reach their full potential. It should not be assumed that students with disabilities cannot participate in gifted education programs. For more information, please visit The Council for Exceptional Children – The Association for the gifted.
Students who do not speak English as their first language may exhibit traits of giftedness in different ways. For more information, please visit https://www.hoagiesgifted.org.
In School Year 2023-24, eight schools began the Phase 1 implementation of the new Middle School Advanced Academic Program and Services (AAPS). In School Year 2024-25, 21 additional schools will join the Phase 2 implementation. These schools will have:Â
- A specially trained AAPS Resource Teacher (RT) to support students in grades 6-8.Â
- All 6th grade students will take the CogAT Screener.Â
- Students may be referred for services by any educator, parent, or the student themselves. The identification process will be the same as the elementary level.Â
- Middle schools are implementing the same Levels of Service model as used in the elementary schools.Â
In School Year 2025-26, Phase 3 schools will implement the new Advanced Academic Program and Services, ensuring appropriate staffing. By then, all schools with grades 6-8 will have implemented AAPS.Â