The Manpower Branch distributes manpower resources to the schools and districts and documents all manpower authorizations. We support the world class education program by:
- Meeting the manpower needs of the schools within available resources.
- Promoting innovative staffing practices.
- Publishing annual staffing standards.
- Manpower is DoDEA's primary resource, with salaries and other manpower-related costs representing the major budget expenditure.
- The Staffing program objectives are to forecast, justify, program, allocate, and manage staffing resources in a manner that effectively and economically supports the delivery of a high-quality education to eligible students.
- Manpower resources are distributed to implement approved educational programs in the most efficient manner possible. Â Every attempt is made to structure positions to provide an optimum balance among mission needs, economy, efficiency of operations, and effective manpower utilization.
- The Manpower Management Tool (MMT) is the DoDEA system designed to manage manpower allocations. MMT includes a Faces-to-Spaces module for maintaining personnel assignments and accounting for onboard end-strength.
Staffing Needs
- School level staffing is driven by student enrollment by applying the DoDEA staffing standards to the projected student enrollment. The staffing standards are set by DoDEA Headquarters after coordinating with DoDEA-Americas, DoDEA-Europe, DoDEA-Pacific, and the District Superintendents.  They are subject to periodic review and revision based on comparison to U.S. public school systems, shifts in educational priorities, and fiscal constraints.
Staffing Practices
- The fall enrollment of the current school year is used as the basis for the coming school year enrollment projections. The projections consider such things as school closures and reconfigurations, ongoing military housing projects, and troop stationing. Region Directors for Student Excellence and District Superintendents may transfer positions within categories and between schools to meet local needs and special situations.  The Resource Management Division stands ready to assist and advise the districts on their staffing issues and requirements.
Manpower Products
- DoDEA Staffing Standards SY 2025-2026
- DoDEA Staffing Standards SY 2024-2025
- DoDEA Staffing Standards SY 2023-2024
- DoDEA Staffing Standards SY 2022-2023
- DoDEA Staffing Standards SY 2021-2022