Assessment for learning happens in the classroom and involves students in every aspect of their own assessment to build their confidence and maximize their achievement. It rests on the understanding that students, not just adults, are data-driven instructional decision makers. The resources below are sample assessment resources that teachers and students may use to adjust teaching and learning to meet individual student needs.
K-5 Literacy (ELA): Benchmark Advance, Digital Platform: Benchmark Universe
- Elementary Literacy instructional materials and assessments from Benchmark Advance are available through the digital platform, Benchmark Universe. Elementary Educators access Benchmark Universe through ClassLink. All DoDEA employees can access Benchmark Universe through the demo account.Â
- Students may access Benchmark Universe using their DoDEA-provided credentials through ClassLink. Once in Benchmark Universe, students can view assignments and assessments that are assigned by their classroom teachers, along with other digital resources.
- Additional support for Benchmark Universe eAssessments can be found here.
6-12 Social Studies Curriculum and Assessment Resources
- Secondary Social Studies (Grades 6-12) instructional materials and assessments are available for teachers to access within the digital platform for each product. McGraw Hill and SAVVAS resources can be accessed via Schoology or ClassLink. Cengage resources can be accessed via Schoology. The resources for HMH can be accessed via ClassLink.
- Students may access the resources through ClassLink or Schoology. Students have access to their digital textbook, review resources, and assignments and assessments assigned by their teacher.
K-5 Math: Reveal Math, Digital Platform: McGraw Hill Connect
- Elementary Math instructional materials and assessments are available from Reveal Math through the digital platform, McGraw Hill Connect. Elementary Educators can access McGraw Hill Connect through ClassLink. All DoDEA employees can access McGraw Hill Connect through the demo account.Â
- Students may access McGraw Hill Connect using their DoDEA-provided credentials through ClassLink. Once in McGraw Hill Connect, students can view their To Do list, which may contain assignments and assessments that are assigned by their classroom teachers. Students also have access to their past work, the interactive student edition, an eToolkit, glossary, and digital station center.
K-5 Science – FOSS Assessment System
- For students in grades K-2, the FOSS Assessment System provides a variety of assessment tools including science notebooks, performance assessment checklists, and for grades 1-2 CCRSS-aligned formative assessment tools called I-Checks (I Check my Understanding) for the end of each investigation.
- For students in grades 3-5, the FOSS Assessment System provides a digital assessment platform called FOSSmap which includes I-Checks for the end of each investigation and Posttests at the end of each module. The 3rd-5th grade assessment tools also include the science notebooks and the performance assessment checklists.
- Student and teachers may access the system via this link.
Grades 6 – 12 Literacy (ELA) Curriculum and Assessment Resources
For teachers who have designed their courses with HMH Collections as the basis for instruction:
- Instructional materials and assessments for English Language Arts (Grades 6-12) are available for teachers and students to access through the HMH digital platform.
- Teachers can access these resources by using their login credentials to log onto the website.
- Students have access to their online textbook and accompanying resources, assignments and assessments that teachers have assigned to them. In order to access these resources, students must use their login information provided to them by their teachers to log onto the website and navigate to the appropriate page(s).
For teachers who have designed their courses with ELA Model Units as the basis for instruction:
- All ELA Model Units and accompanying resources are available in these Schoology groups: DoDEA College and Career Ready Educator Resources (Purple Apple Group) and the ELA 6-12 Group.
- At the end of each unit, teachers can find a Unit Performance Assessment (UPA) which is a standards-aligned performance assessment capturing the essential skills and provide assessment of a bundle of focus standards highlighted in the unit. These UPAs, when taken together, present a cohesive account of a student’s progress toward standards-based learning targets. Please note that some of the UPA have been used as the basis for the ELA Common Paced Assessments (CPA).
Math 6-12 - Algebra II - Edulastic
- Students can complete teacher- and district-created formative assessments, generating continuous data to inform and enhance teaching and learning strategies effectively. These assessments are easily accessible to students through the ClassLink web-based platform.
Math 6-12 - Algebra II - MATHia from Carnegie LearningÂ
- Students are able to complete formative assessment lessons that closely align with their classroom curriculum (Carnegie Learning) at their own pace, allowing teachers to continuously gather valuable data on student comprehension and areas of difficulty. Access to these web-based lessons is conveniently provided through ClassLink.
High School Upper-Level Mathematics - WebAssignÂ
- Students are able to complete teacher- created assignments and formative assessments to provide ongoing data to inform teaching and learning. Students access the web-based platform online using credentials provided by their teacher.
Secondary Science (Grades 6 – 12)
- Instructional resources and assessments are available for teachers to access within the digital platform for each product. The resources for HMH can be accessed via a link shared with the teachers to Ed My Friend in Learning.
- For Advanced Placement courses, instructional resources can be accessed through the Mastering Platform. Students have access to their digital textbook, review resources, and assignments and assessments assigned by their teacher.