College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) Summative Assessments in DoDEA
With the implementation of the College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS) in English-language arts (ELA) Literacy and mathematics, DoDEA has adopted CCRS-aligned summative assessments to measure student mastery of content standards taught for the grade level and/or course. Please contact the principal or school test coordinator for more information on the specific schedule of administration at your child's school.
Student Participation
DoDEA students will take the CCRS summative assessments in grades 3-7.
CCRS Student Results
Student results from the CCRS summative assessments will be reported on an Individual Student Report (ISR). The ISR describes an individual student's performance in terms of overall results, performance level, and the CCRS. Results are reported according to five performance levels that delineate the knowledge, skills, and practices typical students can demonstrate based on their grade level or course standards. The performance levels are Level 5 (Exceeded expectations), Level 4 (Met expectations), Level 3 (Approached expectations), Level 2 (Partially met expectations), and Level 1 (Did not yet meet expectations).
Sample CCRS Summative Assessment Student Reports and Parent Guide
Features of the CCRS summative assessments include:
- multiple choice (selected-response) items, open-ended (constructed-response) items, and technology-enhanced items,
- extended writing tasks (in response to passages read by students) at every grade level and course within the ELA/Literacy assessment
Resources for Teachers, Parents, and Students
Student Practice Tests
CCRS Summative Assessment FAQs lists commonly asked questions and responses related to the implementation of the CCRS summative assessments. Access the FAQs.
Contact Information
Please contact your child’s teacher or school administrator with any questions regarding CCRS summative assessments.